What a lazy 3D printer design! Anet ET4 "Pro" review
Anet has always been making cheap printers, but can they manage to go with the times and provide a reasonable user experience with the ET4 Pro?
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Models shown:
Abstract vase by Zaky20 https://www.prusaprinters.org/de/prints/8327-abstract-vase
Elf Rogue by Strata Miniatures https://strataminiatures.com/shop/?store-page=Elf-Rogue-STL-p227533845&utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=thomassanladerer
Armel The Polar Paladin by Loubie3D https://www.prusaprinters.org/de/prints/45420-armel-the-polar-paladin
3DBenchy by Creative Tools / Daniel Norée https://www.prusaprinters.org/de/prints/2236-3dbenchy-the-jolly-3d-printing-torture-test-by-cre
Filaments used
Das Filament Multicolor Galaxy https://www.dasfilament.de/filament-spulen/pla-1-75-mm/373/pla-filament-1-75-mm-multicolor-galaxy
Prusament Pearl Mouse and Mystic Brown PLA http://go.toms3d.org/Prusament
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Music by Epidemic Sound http://share.epidemicsound.com/MadeWithLayers
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