Pool Service Accounts That Make No Sense
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If you're keeping certain pools on your pool route that you know you should drop, it makes no sense to keep them. I review several pool types you should not have on your current route.
Get a 30-day FREE trial of Skimmer Pool Service Software: https://www.getskimmer.com/poolguy
Pool Guy Coaching: https://poolguycoaching.com/
Thanks for listening, and I hope you find the Podcast helpful! For other free resources to further help you:
Visit my Website: https://www.swimmingpoollearning.com
Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SPL
Podcast Site: https://the-pool-guy-podcast-show.onpodium.com/
Get a 30-Day FREE trial of Skimmer Pool Service Software: https://www.getskimmer.com/poolguy
Thanks for listening and I hope you find the Podcast helpful! For other free resources to further help you:
Visit my Website: https://www.swimmingpoollearning.com
Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SPL
Podcast Site: https://the-pool-guy-podcast-show.onpodium.com/