Podcast Audio Only - Episode 30: The SkimDoctor 2.0, Interview with the Inventor Ron Smith
I have been using the SkimDoctor on my Pool Route for over 3 years now. Last year they updated the SkimDoctor and relaunched it under the name of the SkimDoctor 2.0. In a nutshell what this product does is increase the surface skimming velocity by channeling the water into the skimmer. You can also listen to the Podcast interview that I did with Ron Smith the inventor of the SkimDoctor 2.0 as he goes into great detail about the product and it's features.
Listen to the Podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/110832/631215-episode-30-the-skimdoctor-2-0-interview-with-the-inventor-ron-smith
Subscribe to my Podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-pool-guy-show-podcast/id1257613192
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Podcast Website: https://www.thepoolguypodcastshow.com/
Some of the features of the SkimDoctor 2.0 is the ability to unscrew the top to empty out the debris. This makes for very easy cleaning of the pump basket. It also has two gates now instead of one so if you have a 1.5 hp or 2 hp you can adjust the gates so that the pump will not suck in any air as the SkimDoctor 2.0 increases the surface skimming volocity. The original SkimDoctor worked so well that with only one gate it would pull in too much water causing the pump to also pull in air. Another nice feature of the SkimDoctor 2.0 is that there is a Vac Attachment or Vac Plate that can be screwed on top for manual vacuuming or for attaching a suction side cleaner to the skimmer.
To order the SkimDoctor 2.0: http://amzn.to/2FC5GJJ
There is an included flange for larger skimmer baskets, most of the skimmer baskets here in Ca. are of the larger variety and require the flange. It is an optional part that is included and I recommend using it if you are unsure or if the SkimDoctor 2.0 doesn't fit snug on top.
Here is briefly how the SkimDoctor 2.0 works:
"First, the slots in the inner tube of SkimDoctor 2.0 is partially responsible for speeding up the flow of water, precisely the flow of surface water, in your skimmer. By forcing water to flow through SkimDoctor’s narrow slot, SkimDoctor increases the top surface speed In more technical terms, when water moves from a wider channel to a narrow channel, the volume of the water that moves a given distance in a given time period does not change, however, the speed of the water increases. This phenomenon is called the Bernoulli principle and explains why water flows quickly in white water rapids when rocks narrow the width of the water channel. In addition, the SkimDoctor 2.0 tube itself forces water to flow around the tube in two directions, thereby narrowing the water channel, and creating a three-fold Bernoulli effect."
The SkimDoctor 2.0 is compatible with almost all modern skimmers and will fit the following baskets:
Hayward SP1082 skimmer basket; Hayward SP1070 skimmer basket; Swimquip/Sta-rite U3; Intex 18949; Baker Hydro B136/51-B-1026; Pentair B43/513036 Basket; Skim Pro (all 3 models); Pentair Pac Fab Bermuda; Astral 05280R0400; Waterway 542-3240; Waterco S75; Waterco SP5000; Poolrite S1800.
They also make a new white glove edition with the basket included. This version comes with a Hayward SPX1082 basket and is completely assembled for you on the basket. You can simply take out your old basket and drop the SkimDoctor 2.0 right in – no assembly required.
To order this version: http://amzn.to/2FC5bPR
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