I Should Have Never Hired a Fan…. - AMD $5000 Ultimate Tech Upgrade
Thanks again to AMD for being a great partner and sponsoring this series! Check out their newly launched Ryzen™ 7 9700X CPUs, and enter the giveaway to win a one for free using the links below!
AMD Ryzen™ 7 9700X: https://lmg.gg/uGzOw
Giveaway: https://lmg.gg/AUTU-9700X-Giveaway
Linus is back at it again with another Tech Upgrade, this time for Sam our Jr Editor. He bought a new ROG Ally (Which Linus had to upgrade) a new fireplace (in the middle of Summer?!) and even decorated his Quest 3 headset with easily the worst sticker so far… Thanks AMD for continuing to help give our Staff Money to bother Linus with :)
Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1578937-i-should-have-never-hired-a-fan%E2%80%A6-amd-5000-ultimate-tech-upgrade/
Check Out the Tech from Sam's Ultimate Upgrade! Thanks AMD!
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Intro: Laszlo - Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic
Outro: Approaching Nirvana - Sugar High
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsGBSCDwcI
Listen on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/UxWkUw
Artist Link: http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana
Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa https://www.instagram.com/mbarek_abdel/
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/PgGWp
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/mj6pHk4
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/Ps3XfE
0:00 Intro
1:00 Stolen Goods
2:49 Upgrade Pile
3:12 They did surgery on Ally
6:34 GIVEAWAY!!!
7:00 Fireplace?? In Summer???
8:58 Speakers
12:18 "I finished" - Elijah
13:11 More Ally
13:57 Meta Quest 3
16:26 Ally Setup
18:08 A couch??
19:09 Soundbar
20:26 GAMING
21:15 New cams who dis
22:18 Outro