I really hope this is legal.
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Get your dbrand Circuit Board skin today: https://dbrand.com/pcb
We’re launching a brand new collab with Dbrand featuring glow in the dark textured device skins, and what better way to show them off than to wrap my car in it. Except, we had to find a way to make the car GLOW.
Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1589340-i-really-hope-this-is-legal/
Buy Everbeam 365nm 50W UV LED Black Light
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0:00 Intro
1:14 How it works
2:25 But there's a problem..
3:40 Choosing the perfect light
6:30 But how to use them?
7:07 Reacting to the Wrap
7:33 Building the rig
9:30 Automating the lights
12:04 Other tech devices
14:23 Outro