Elegoo Mars / Mars Pro / Mars 2 Pro: Which one is right for you?
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The Elegoo Mars, Mars Pro and Mars 2 Pro are more similar than you might think. I take a look at all three models, compare the differences - and I do have a favorite, which is not the one you might expect!
Elegoo Mars
Amazon http://go.toms3d.org/ElegooMars
Aliexpress http://go.toms3d.org/ElegooMarsButFromChina
Elegoo Mars Pro
Amazon http://go.toms3d.org/ElegooMarsPro (10% off in the US with code DZ3YKQVX)
Aliexpress http://go.toms3d.org/MarsProAli
Elegoo Mars 2 Pro
Amazon http://go.toms3d.org/ElegooMars2ProAMZ
Aliexpress http://go.toms3d.org/Mars2ProAli
Elegoo Mercury cleaning and curing station
Aliexpress http://go.toms3d.org/ElegooMercury
Replacement screens
Mars (Amazon) http://go.toms3d.org/MarsScreen
Mars Pro (Amazon) http://go.toms3d.org/MarsProScreen
Mars 2 Pro (Aliexpress) http://go.toms3d.org/Mars2ProScreen
PPE / safety equipment
3M mask body http://go.toms3d.org/3MMask
3M filters for organic vapors (also take out the smell) http://go.toms3d.org/3MFilter
Proper gloves http://go.toms3d.org/G.love
???? All my video gear https://toms3d.org/my-gear
Music by Epidemic Sound http://share.epidemicsound.com/MadeWithLayers
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