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  • 02:15 Paris Underground: Spot Inspects Transportation Infrastructure with RATP Group

    Paris Underground: Spot Inspects Transportation Infrastructure with RATP Group

    by shub Added 171 Views / 0 Likes

    As the city of Paris sleeps, Spot is hard at work inspecting some of RATP Group's 35,000 civil works components. The RATP Group (Autonomous Parisian Transportation Administration), is a French state-owned public transport operator and maintainer for the G

  • 03:59 Spot at Chevron | Boston Dynamics

    Spot at Chevron | Boston Dynamics

    by shub Added 159 Views / 0 Likes

    Companies are facing evolving market demands, regulatory pressures, and competitionfrom alternative energy sources. For Chevron, this means leveraging the company’s strengths toadvance new products and solutions that improve reliability and lower the carb

  • 03:30 Inside the Lab: Robotics After Hours

    Inside the Lab: Robotics After Hours

    by shub Added 288 Views / 0 Likes

    What do our robots really get up to after hours? Go behind the scenes of our collaboration with @SamuelAdams to find out.Watch the full collaboration: #Robots #Robotics

  • 00:40 The Complete Asset Reliability Solution | Boston Dynamics

    The Complete Asset Reliability Solution | Boston Dynamics

    by shub Added 161 Views / 0 Likes

    Reliable data collection means increased uptime. See how Spot is changing the game for asset reliability, automating industrial inspection, and unlocking new data insights.Learn more:

  • 00:31 How does HD Atlas see?

    How does HD Atlas see?

    by shub Added 69 Views / 0 Likes

    How do robots see the world? With the Partners in Parkour demonstration, HD Atlas traversed a very unique and challenging course to show off it's advanced abilities.

  • 02:02 Popular Spot Launch

    Spot Launch

    by shub Added 516 Views / 0 Likes

    Spot is an agile mobile robot that you can customize for a wide range of applications. The base platform provides rough-terrain mobility, 360 degree obstacle avoidance, and various levels of navigation, remote control and autonomy. You can customize Spot

  • 01:21 Atlas Gets a Grip | Boston Dynamics

    Atlas Gets a Grip | Boston Dynamics

    by shub Added 160 Views / 0 Likes

    It’s time for Atlas to pick up a new set of skills and get hands on. In this video, the humanoid robot manipulates the world around it: Atlas interacts with objects and modifies the course to reach its goal—pushing the limits of locomotion, sensing, and a

  • 07:08 Spot at AB InBev Belgium | Boston Dynamics

    Spot at AB InBev Belgium | Boston Dynamics

    by shub Added 142 Views / 0 Likes

    A key part of AB InBev’s “Brewery of the Future” program, Spot conducts 1,800 individual inspections each week across ten packaging lines that churn over 50,000 containers of Stella Artois, Budweiser, and Corona beer every hour. In the first six months of

  • 04:27 Spot at Code & Circuit | Boston Dynamics

    Spot at Code & Circuit | Boston Dynamics

    by shub Added 45 Views / 0 Likes

    Code & Circuit, a non-profit organization based in Amesbury, MA, is a place where kids can use technology to create, collaborate, and learn! Spot is a central part of their program, where educators use the robot to get younger participants excited about S

  • 01:06 Atlas | Partners in Parkour

    Atlas | Partners in Parkour

    by shub Added 406 Views / 0 Likes

    Parkour is the perfect sandbox for the Atlas team at Boston Dynamics to experiment with new behaviors. In this video our humanoid robots demonstrate their whole-body athletics, maintaining its balance through a variety of rapidly changing, high-energy act

  • 02:17 What's New in Spot Release 3.3 | Boston Dynamics

    What's New in Spot Release 3.3 | Boston Dynamics

    by shub Added 244 Views / 0 Likes

    Lights, Camera, Sensing! The industry standard for dangerous and routine autonomous inspections just got better, now with a brand new set of features and hardware.#BostonDynamics #AutomatedInspection

  • 00:48 What does it take to put Spot to work? | Boston Dynamics

    What does it take to put Spot to work? | Boston Dynamics

    by shub Added 141 Views / 0 Likes

    Spot has been deployed in the real world more than any other walking robot. But what goes into making a robot that just works? Take a look inside our reliability labs to see how we test Spot's capabilities, durability, endurance, and more. We push Spot to

  • 00:46 Popular Hey Buddy, Can You Give Me a Hand?

    Hey Buddy, Can You Give Me a Hand?

    by shub Added 761 Views / 0 Likes

  • 01:23 Automated Thermal Inspections with Spot | Boston Dynamics

    Automated Thermal Inspections with Spot | Boston Dynamics

    by shub Added 224 Views / 0 Likes

    Detecting an overheating motor can be the difference between a $1,000 repair or a $50,000 replacement. As a result, routine thermal inspections are a major part of predictive maintenance operations, but collecting this valuable information frequently is s

  • 09:00 The Evolution of Stretch | Boston Dynamics

    The Evolution of Stretch | Boston Dynamics

    by shub Added 132 Views / 0 Likes

    Stretch has moved over a million customer boxes in under a year, improving predictability and preventing injuries. But how did we get there?Discover how we put our expertise in robotics research to use designing, testing, and deploying a warehouse robot.

  • 04:25 Spot at Michelin | Boston Dynamics

    Spot at Michelin | Boston Dynamics

    by shub Added 59 Views / 0 Likes

    With Spot on the job, Michelin has generated more than 72 work orders. By delegating the mundane task of inspection, the reliability team can proactively plan and execute maintenance events. Baselines for equipment performance are set up using Orbit, , an
