Outdoors equipments
All about CCH® Endurance Slow Release Cal Hypo Tablets with Ed Barney of Sigura
Added 367 Views / 0 LikesI think the best way to get to know a product in the industry is to talk with someone directly from the manufacturer of that product. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions when it comes to Cal Hypo tablets. It didn’t help that in the past there wasn
All About Liquid Chlorine with Terry Arko of HASA
Added 470 Views / 0 LikesHASA is a big provider of liquid chlorine in my region and the familiar yellow cases and white bottles are available at local pool stores as well as wholesale distributors. In this podcast, I interview Terry Arko of HASA and we discuss every aspect of usi
All About my Free Phone App the SPL-App: Download it Today!
Added 490 Views / 0 LikesThis is the Swimming Pool Learning App which is a free App for your phone or device. It brings all my resources and more under one easy to navigate App. While you are in the App you can navigate between my videos, website, Blog, Podcast and more seamlessl
All About Poolife Extended Release -Slow Dissolving Cal Hypo Tablets with Michael Villegas of Sigura
Added 332 Views / 0 LikesCal Hypo tablets have been around for a very long time. One of the drawbacks of Cal Hypo tablets is that after 1 day they would be fully dissolved. So there was no real way to use them in place of 3” Trichlor tablets to release chlorine slowly over the co
All About PoolRX: Interview with Fred Schweer VP of Sales at PoolRX
Added 369 Views / 0 LikesPoolRx is a simple way to keep your pool algae free all season long. It is also effective in cleaning a green pool and a side benefit of the product is that you will use less chlorine in the pool all season long. In this Podcast I talk to Fred Schweer VP
All About Swimming Pool algaecides and Ways to Prevent algae with Chemistry Expert Bob Lowry
Added 303 Views / 0 LikesAlgae in your pool are one of the biggest issues you will face as a pool service pro and as a homeowner. The most common answer to pool algae is to reach for an algaecide and treat the pool with either copper, sodium bromide, or a polyquat. But there are
All About the Benefits of Adding Borates to your Pool
Added 447 Views / 0 LikesBenefits of Adding Borates to your pool:Adding Borates to your pool to achieve a level of 30-50 ppm has many benefits. I have a series of videos on Borates and highly recommend adding Borates to your pool. I have added Borates to my pool and couldn't be h
All About the BIO-DEX Product Line-Up
Added 352 Views / 0 LikesI first found out about Bio-Dex when I started doing acid washes back in the day. I was looking for a way to reduce the fumes to make the acid wash process more manageable and my local supplier suggested Bio-Dex White n’ Brite. After doing an acid wash wi
All About the Carbon Fiber Primate Pool Service Pole: Interview with the Owner Joe DiAnna -
Added 432 Views / 0 LikesIn this Podcast I talk to Joe DiAnna the owner of Primate Pool Tools which is the company that makes the Primate Pool Pole. I have been using this pole now for 3 months and it is truly a great product. There are so many great features as you will see belo
All About the Hayward OMNI VS and Smart Pool Control
Added 414 Views / 0 LikesThe VS OMNI Variable Speed Pumps with Smart Pool Control is the easiest way to fully automate your entire equipment pad. I am not just talking about controlling the Variable speed Pump from the OmniLogic App but controlling every piece of equipment from t
All About the Riptide Pool Vacuum System: Interview with the Owners David Sargent & Matt Lopez
Added 300 Views / 0 LikesRiptide excels in so many areas. The vacuum system is solid and has evolved over the past 4 years to a premiere vacuum system. Riptide also sells direct. Place an order online and within a few days, the vacuum system will be on your doorstep. But the one
All About the SweepEase Pool Brush with the Creator Lee Lyons
Added 257 Views / 0 LikesI have been using the SweepEase now for several years and it is my go-to brush for sure. The manufacturer plays up the one-handed brushing of the pool which is a nice feature. I think the best feature is the amount of force that is created with the unique
All About Using Cal Hypo Tablets
Added 57 Views / 0 LikesSend us a text (https://www.buzzsprout.com/twilio/text_messages/110832/open_sms) Cal Hypo tablets are a great product that has not quite caught on in the industry. I’ll touch on why that is and also give you the pros and cons of using Cal Hypo tablets. Le
All About Using Dry Acid to Lower the pH in Your Swimming Pool
Added 291 Views / 0 LikesDry acid is one pool chemical not talked about much. I think mainly because the use of muriatic acid to lower the pH in a pool is so widely entrenched in the minds of pool pros and homeowners that Dry Acid is often overlooked. It is also a bit more expens
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all of the things
Added 529 Views / 0 Likescheck out LEVI (he shot some of the surf footage) https://www.youtube.com/user/LeftCoastVisualsthank you Chris for filming me surfhttps://www.instagram.com/christophermartindale/music by Narch - https://www.narchbeats.com/
All Season Turf Full Front Yard Remodel: Turf, River Rock Landscaping and Stamped Concrete!
Added 295 Views / 0 LikesI recently hired All Season Turf for the 3rd time to remodel a rental property in Hesperia California. They put in turf, a river rock landscaping and stamped concrete. We really like this company and I film the videos for them at no charge because I respe