Outdoors equipments
Tips on Handling Heavy Debris Pools
Added 150 Views / 0 LikesIf you have a pool that gets a lot of leaf debris each week or service pools with heavy debris, there are a few things you can do to make it at least manageable. I will review some things that will help you the most with a heavy debris pool.This sounds si
Tips on Preventing Errors While Servicing A Pool: Having a Routine and Proper Use of Chemicals
Added 412 Views / 0 LikesThere are many ways to ensure your pool is serviced error free each week whether you are a homeowner doing your own pool or a pool service professional doing 80 pools a week. I will touch on a few things you need to do each time you service your pool to m
Tips on Selling Pressure Side & Return Side Cleaners to Your Customers
Added 302 Views / 0 LikesPressure side cleaners can be a great choice for some regions of the country. If your area gets lots of leaf debris in the pools this is a great option. Some builders by default will install Pressure side cleaners in all of their new builds, which is a go
Tips on Selling Robotic Pool Cleaners on Your Pool Route
Added 261 Views / 0 LikesSelling a Robotic Pool cleaner to your pool service customer is a great way to enhance your pool service and leave their pool swim-ready every day. Although they are not for everyone, I think robotic cleaners are the best cleaner type. They run independen
Tips on Selling Suction Side Cleaner to Your Customers
Added 251 Views / 0 LikesThere are several benefits of having an automatic cleaner in your service account. The first is that it will save you a lot of time out there on your route. Look at it like having your manual vacuum going in the pol for 8 hours a day. This essentially all
Tips on Selling VS Pool Pumps
Added 118 Views / 0 LikesThe pool pump can be the highest energy hog in your house, passing your Air Conditioner and Refrigerator just by the sheer amount of hours it runs each day. If you have a 1 ½ or 2 HP pump installed and you run it 8 hours per day, not to get into complicat
Tips on Selling VS Pumps to Your Customers
Added 265 Views / 0 LikesAfter July 19th, 2021 you will be hard-pressed to find a single-speed 1hp pump or motor. The Department of Energy has mandated new energy rules and almost all of the single-speed pumps will no longer be sold. That leaves only Variable Speed Pumps as an op
Tips on Upgrading Your Pool Equipment
Added 397 Views / 0 LikesI am going to focus here on the money savings that a Variable Speed Pump (VS) can help you with and you will be amazed I think of the amount of money you can save each year on your pool care budget. The pool pump can be the highest energy hog in your hous
Tips on When to Drain Your Pool with Joe Laurino of CuLator: Pool Guy Podcast Show Favorite Ep #2
Added 349 Views / 0 LikesThis is a new series of videos where I will be posting some of the fan-favorite podcasts here on YouTube. I have a weekly podcast Monday through Friday and with over 650 podcasts and counting, there is a lot of great content. To make it easy to get some g
Tips To Help Your Child Be More Positive When Swimming
Added 452 Views / 0 LikesTips To Help Your Child Be More Positive When SwimmingShop - https://www.simplyswim.com/Advice - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyt4tVJBuFTCnRM0Mua5v5b_uH_LBiNmTVisit our store - https://www.simplyswim.com/pages/visit-us-in-store■There isn’t a per
03:53 New
Titan Pole 3X17' Aluminum Pole by Ultimate Pool Tools
Added 23 Views / 0 LikesComparing the 3X17 TitanPole, HyperPole, and Skimlite DuallyChoosing the right pool pole is essential for efficiency, durability, and ease of use. Three of the top contenders in the market are the 3X17 TitanPole, the HyperPole, and the Skimlite Dually. Ea
Added 396 Views / 0 LikesHERE -- https://anchor.fm/couples-therapyandHERE -- https://apple.co/2If4u3X
Todd Howards Breaks Down His Video Game Career | WIRED
Added 122 Views / 0 LikesFamed video game director Todd Howard breaks down his storied career at Bethesda Game Studios. From his first game in 1995, The Terminator: Future Shock, to his newest IP in almost thirty years, Starfield, the Skyrim, Daggerfall, and Fallout creator highl
Todd McFarlane Answers Comics Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED
Added 127 Views / 0 LikesLegendary comic book artist and co-founder of Image Comics Todd McFarlane visits WIRED to answer your questions from Twitter. Which comic book from Todd’s personal collection is his favorite? Should comics and graphic novels be considered literature? What
Tom Cruise: Why I Started Acting & Do My Own Stunts
Added 123 Views / 0 LikesTom Cruise explains why he got into acting and that yes, that really was him hanging from an airplane.Still haven’t subscribed to WIRED on YouTube? ►► http://wrd.cm/15fP7B7 Listen to the Get WIRED podcast ►► https://link.chtbl.com/wired-ytc-desc Want more
Tom Hardy & Andy Serkis Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED
Added 202 Views / 0 Likes'Venom: Let There Be Carnage' stars Tom Hardy and Andy Serkis answer the web's most searched questions about themselves and Venom. What kind of accent does Tom Hardy have? How did Andy Serkis get into acting? What is Tom Hardy's favorite martial art? How