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Outdoors equipments

  • 08:01 This Method is Incredible – Building Roads with Coconut | Amazing Road Inventions

    This Method is Incredible – Building Roads with Coconut | Amazing Road Inventions

    by shub Added 140 Views / 0 Likes

    The history of the road dates back to the distant past. The world's oldest known paved road was constructed in Egypt. Also, stone-paved streets appear in the city of Ur in the Middle East.Modern civilization has allowed us to pave the road much easier

  • 14:16 THIS Motorcycle Uses JET THRUSTERS to Enhance Safety

    THIS Motorcycle Uses JET THRUSTERS to Enhance Safety

    by shub Added 466 Views / 0 Likes

    These new motorcycle innovations will have you riding sweet…FREEZE LISTS ESPAÑOL LISTS DEUTSCH FREEZE LISTS ENGLISH MITIGATION PROJECT ZEUShttp

  • 09:22 Popular this was a BAD idea

    this was a BAD idea

    by shub Added 504 Views / 0 Likes

    PODCAST!!!Anchor: Podcasts: ‪ ‬Google Podcasts: ‪ ‬Spotify: ‪ by;Dixxy: Francescoli

  • 07:12 this Wave Pool Cost $100 per SECOND to ride

    this Wave Pool Cost $100 per SECOND to ride

    by shub Added 328 Views / 0 Likes


  • 10:02 Thomas Middleditch & O'Shea Jackson Jr. Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED

    Thomas Middleditch & O'Shea Jackson Jr. Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED

    by shub Added 396 Views / 0 Likes

    Godzilla: King of the Monsters stars Thomas Middleditch and O'Shea Jackson Jr. take the WIRED Autocomplete Interview and answer the internet's most searched questions about themselves and the Godzilla franchise. Is O'Shea Jackson Jr. related to Ice Cube?

  • 06:22 Thomas Middleditch Let an AI Steal His Face to Make a New Movie | WIRED

    Thomas Middleditch Let an AI Steal His Face to Make a New Movie | WIRED

    by shub Added 492 Views / 0 Likes

    Behind the scenes with the actor Thomas Middleditch who teamed up with an artificial intelligence program called Benjamin to create "Zone Out," an entirely AI-made sci-fi film. Watch Zone Out here: Watch Sunsprin

  • 10:30 Tim Cook Discusses The Past, Present, and Future of Apple | WIRED

    Tim Cook Discusses The Past, Present, and Future of Apple | WIRED

    by shub Added 39 Views / 0 Likes

    "It's hard to imagine life without Apple because my life has been wrapped up in this company...since 1998." WIRED Editor at Large Steven Levy sits down with Apple CEO Tim Cook for The Big Interview, revisiting his early years with the company, discussing

  • 16:10 Time Management on Your Pool Route

    Time Management on Your Pool Route

    by shub Added 51 Views / 0 Likes

    Send us a text ( I’m big on effective time management. I think a lot of time is wasted on your route, and many ways exist to save and reclaim that time. Here are a few basic tips for you.  Le

  • 24:02 Time to Upgrade to a Saltwater Pool?

    Time to Upgrade to a Saltwater Pool?

    by shub Added 118 Views / 0 Likes

    Some of the best reasons to upgrade a pool to a saltwater pool are the consistency of having chlorine delivered each day in a measured dose. This will prevent the need to shock a pool and treat it for algae and other issues that arise when a pool zeros ou

  • 24:37 Time to Upgrade Your Pool Equipment?

    Time to Upgrade Your Pool Equipment?

    by shub Added 140 Views / 0 Likes

    Of course, before you replace any of your pool equipment you should have a pool pro assess it thoroughly as sometimes a simple repair is all you need. He or she can also advise you on if you need to replace something and with what particular brand.The poo

  • 02:35 Tips For Open Water Swimming with Zoggs and Simply Swim

    Tips For Open Water Swimming with Zoggs and Simply Swim

    by shub Added 122 Views / 0 Likes

    Tips For Open Water Swimming with Zoggs and Simply Swim

  • 26:18 Tips on Cleaning Your Swimming Pool Filter Fast & Easy

    Tips on Cleaning Your Swimming Pool Filter Fast & Easy

    by shub Added 374 Views / 0 Likes

    If you do pool service and clean 60 or 80 filters every 6 months, or if you are a homeowner who cleans their own filter, the process can be both messy and time-consuming. There are ways to speed up the process and I will share some tips here for you. The

  • 25:15 Tips on Cold Water and Your Swimming Pool with Chemistry Expert Bob Lowry

    Tips on Cold Water and Your Swimming Pool with Chemistry Expert Bob Lowry

    by shub Added 283 Views / 0 Likes

    You will notice that in really cold water the pool chemicals will stay very constant and you will not be adding much chlorine, acid, or base to the pool. Generally, in water temperature, less than 65 degrees the pool's salt system will also stop operating

  • 21:24 Tips on Draining a Swimming Pool

    Tips on Draining a Swimming Pool

    by shub Added 136 Views / 0 Likes

    Draining your swimming pool sounds simple enough. But there are many things to be aware of, and some things you overlook could cost you thousands of dollars and could cause potential damage to your pool.Plaster/cement and Pebble Tec pools are the only in-

  • 24:21 Tips on Getting Your Pool Ready for the Pool Season

    Tips on Getting Your Pool Ready for the Pool Season

    by shub Added 376 Views / 0 Likes

    Summer can be a challenging time for your swimming pool care. The days are longer, some regions have temperatures of over 100 degrees for weeks on end and the UV index is at the highest point. All of this will make maintaining a pool much more difficult.

  • 23:51 Tips on Handling Heavy Debris Pools

    Tips on Handling Heavy Debris Pools

    by shub Added 150 Views / 0 Likes

    If you have a pool that gets a lot of leaf debris each week or service pools with heavy debris, there are a few things you can do to make it at least manageable. I will review some things that will help you the most with a heavy debris pool.This sounds si
