Outdoors equipments
Dream's First Minecraft Memories
Added 127 Views / 0 LikesDream answers his most searched questions from the internet, including his recollections of first playing Minecraft over a decade ago.Still haven’t subscribed to WIRED on YouTube? ►► http://wrd.cm/15fP7B7 Listen to the Get WIRED podcast ►► https://link.ch
Dr. Martin Blaser Answers Coronavirus Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED
Added 439 Views / 0 LikesDr. Martin Blaser, MD, uses the power of Twitter to answer the internet's questions about the coronavirus. When should we expect to see mutations? Does COVID-19 have a lifespan? Is coronavirus the 0.01% that soaps and sanitizers can't kill? Dr. Blaser is
Finding The Best Fit Goggles With Zoggs
Added 132 Views / 0 LikesFinding The Best Fit Goggles With Zoggshttps://www.simplyswim.com/products/predator-flex-goggles-regular-fithttps://www.simplyswim.com/products/predator-flex-polarized-ultrahttps://www.simplyswim.com/products/raptor-hcb-mirror-swim-gogglehttps://www.simpl
Construction Inventions & Technologies on another Level ▶7
Added 377 Views / 0 LikesAmazing construction inventions and technologies.FREEZE LISTS ESPAÑOL https://goo.gl/bM38rdFREEZE LISTS DEUTSCH https://goo.gl/IKd6xM FREEZE LISTS ENGLISH http://goo.gl/LqNRbTLINKSEVERBLOCK https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUtzgipreD3lsfcgslcfhzA/about SU
What Did Casey Neistat Do Before YouTube?
Added 121 Views / 0 LikesYouTuber and filmmaker Casey Neistat joins WIRED to answer his most searched questions—including what made him famous and what he was up to before creating viral videos.Still haven’t subscribed to WIRED on YouTube? ►► http://wrd.cm/15fP7B7 Listen to the G
Mega Construction Projects ▶HOW THEY DO IT !!!
Added 347 Views / 0 LikesHow they build mega construction projects/structures………FREEZE LISTS ESPAÑOL https://goo.gl/bM38rdFREEZE LISTS DEUTSCH https://goo.gl/IKd6xM FREEZE LISTS ENGLISH http://goo.gl/LqNRbTTUNNEL PLACEMENT UNDER HIGHWAYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btOE0rcKDC0
Historian Breaks Down Napoleon's Battle Tactics | WIRED
Added 112 Views / 0 Likes"Love him or hate him, Napoleon is a figure probably unrivaled in modern history." Today Jonathon Riley, a British General and historian, breaks down French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte's most prominent battles and utilized war tactics. From the Battle of t
How to Keep Your Swimming Pool Blue All Year Round
Added 321 Views / 0 LikesThere are so many aspects to pool care that you may get lost and confused and not know where to start. The key to everything you do with your pool should be focused on the #1 goal of pool care. To put it simply you are making sure the pool is safe to swim
Riptide Pole Holder - Easily Carry Your Pole Pole Back to Your Service Stops!
Added 114 Views / 0 LikesThe Riptide SL Cart Pole Holder allows you to hold any standard pool pole on the front of your Riptide SL Cart. Easy Installation, no drilling necessary; the pole holder will clamp directly onto the front of your Riptide cart.This is a must-have accessory
How to Lower the pH in Your Pool with Dry Acid (Sodium Bisulfate) the Easy & Safe Way!
Added 364 Views / 0 LikesDry acid is one pool chemical not talked about much. I think mainly because the use of muriatic acid to lower the pH in a pool is so widely entrenched in the minds of pool pros and homeowners that Dry Acid is often overlooked. It is also a bit more expens
Pool Water Balancing - Pool Pro Basic Training Series Episode 2
Added 102 Views / 0 LikesI like to use what Bob Lowry teaches, "Target Chemistry," and his recommended target numbers are here. Not a range but a specific number to shoot for.Sanitizer 3.0 ppmAfter the Alkalinity & pH are brought into range, the following adjustment is the Saniti
How to Juggle | WIRED
Added 338 Views / 0 LikesProfessional juggler Jack Kalvan teaches you everything you need to know about the basics of juggling. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have learned how to juggle one, two, three and four balls simultaneously. Still haven’t subscribed to WIRED on YouTu
AI Mixologist vs. Human Bartender | WIRED
Added 136 Views / 0 LikesCan people distinguish the taste between a cocktail generated by AI and one lovingly crafted by a human bartender? We challenged a group of bar patrons to submit their drink preferences in order to produce two unique cocktails for them to try. Watch and s
12 Ingenious Car Inventions & Technologies
Added 295 Views / 0 LikesThese incredible next level Car Innovations are on another level! HIATUS CAMPERShttps://www.hiatuscampers.comSTANLEY-ROBOTICShttps://stanley-robotics.comBARNACLE PARKINGhttps://barnacleparking.comBRIDGEHILLhttps://www.bridgehill.comMINI SEAT FANhttps://gi
My Go To Water Tester
Added 110 Views / 0 LikesHere is a rundown of the different testing methods for your pool and spa. Each method has their pros and cons and I find a variety of methods works best. The Reagent Test Kits use a drop test, and when the reagent solution is entered into the water sample
Space Saving Furniture Ideas for Small Apartments ▶2
Added 327 Views / 0 LikesInnovative and space-saving furniture ideas for tiny Apartments & Houses.RESOURCE FURNITUREhttps://resourcefurniture.com/ IKEAhttps://www.ikea.com/ HETTICHhttps://web.hettich.com/ HAEFELEhttps://www.haefele.de/ STOW FITNESShttps://stowfitness.com/ WILDING