Office gadgets
Cloud Unit - Into Silence
Added 456 Views / 0 LikesThe ultimate silent gaming PC has arrived!Link for mobile users:
12:23 Popular
DIY Computer Case - The Ultimate Silent PC (CLOUD UNIT)
Added 513 Views / 0 LikesIn this video I give an overview of my latest scratch PC build project - the Ultimate Silent Gaming PC, Mark II. The greatest feature of the case, I think, is that the graphics card has a MASSIVE cpu cooler on it, which helps to plunge the case into pract
Cloud Unit - Build Log (Scratch-Built Silent PC)
Added 480 Views / 0 LikesIn this video I show the processes involved in making my latest scratch built computer: Cloud Unit.Design and Features video: and Performance Tests video:
The Quietest Computer You'll Ever Hear...
Added 447 Views / 0 LikesIn this video I take a look at the acoustic performance of my latest scratch built PC. Is it quieter than a heartbeat? Let's find out!Musicians and video editors would appreciate a PC like this I reckon.Main overview video of the case:
Designing your own PC Case - FAQ
Added 486 Views / 0 LikesIn this last video in my silent PC case series, I answer some frequently asked questions.
Make a 1000w equiv. LED flashlight - aka DIY Sun-Blaster!
Added 479 Views / 0 LikesHere's how to make a phenomenally bright 1000w eqiv. LED flashlight!Here's the LED we'll be using: It's designed to be operated with just one hand, with easy control of brightness, and can be powered by either batteries or an AC ada
09:53 Popular
Make Your Own Magical Mushroom Lights
Added 520 Views / 0 LikesIn this video we'll be making some really charming mushroom lights!Here are the LEDs we'll need to make this: note that the LEDs are wired in series on these strips, hence the 12v rating. The LEDs themselves are NEVER 12v indi
How to Make a One-Click Backup Button
Added 419 Views / 0 LikesIn this video we'll be making a simple one-click backup button so that you can make data backups regularly with ease.Here's the button I used in this project:eBay US/Worldwide:, here are some other buttons that are compatible wi
Can this LED mimic daylight? (Yuji LED review - super high CRI)
Added 412 Views / 0 LikesIn this video I take a look at how important colour rendering is, and also try out an LED that could open up the possibility of some pretty exciting DIY lighting projects!If you'd like to buy the LED I tested in the video, here's the link:http://store.yuj
Summer Project - Make an INSANELY LOUD Bluetooth Amplifier!
Added 471 Views / 0 LikesHere's the amp we'll be using Amazon: (ships globally): this video we'll be making a wireless bluetooth-enabled amplifier so that we can put old bookshelf speakers to good use!Not only is the sound quali
The Ultimate DIY Microphone (super low self-noise!)
Added 458 Views / 0 LikesIn this video I'll be showing, in overview, the design of my super-low-noise self-contained ORTF microphone rig. It features superb stereo, a built in recorder, triple shock mounting, and of course a noise floor that is so low that you can record the beat
08:06 Popular
Making the Ultimate DIY Headphone Stand (aka Spectrum Dock!)
Added 1,018 Views / 0 LikesTemplate files available here ($7): this video I go through the processes involved in making the Spectrum Dock - a headphone stand with a difference. Not only does it look splendid, but it also makes for a great light feature
Featured -
How to make a relaxing "false window" light panel (using old laptop screens)
Added 486 Views / 0 LikesIn this video we're going to be recycling some broken laptop screens to make a fake window light for some cosy evening illumination!FAQ:LED_EN (the 'on button') is sometimes called EN, ENA, BL_ON, LEDON, BL_EN, or ENABPWM may also be PWM_1VLED (12v) may a
15:41 Popular
How to Make a Professional Camera Slider (100% DIY!)
Added 519 Views / 0 LikesIn this video we're going to make a super-smooth camera slider so that we can pull off some awesome cinematic camera moves! Built out of standard copper piping, it is cheap and easy to recreate the world over. And it looks super cool!Purchasing links:Roll
How to Make Flexible LED Panels (DIY Flex Lights!)
Added 465 Views / 0 LikesThese are the LED strips I used for this project: eBay: this video we'll be making some flexible LED panels that are not only extremely practical, but also perform well when it comes to colour renditi
How To Make a Concrete Volume Knob
Added 480 Views / 0 LikesIn this video we'll be making a stylish desktop volume control knob so that you can finely adjust the loudness of your music in a tactile way.Here's a link to the potentiometer (choose B500R from the drop down box):US: http://eba