16:36 Popular
How to make a DIY Ventilated Paint Booth
Added 695 Views / 0 LikesI made a paint booth that vents the fumes outside by using a furnace blower! For $50 off a premium Casper mattress, go to and use promo code: iltmsTerms and conditions apply.Subscribe to my channel:
07:35 Popular
Decorate a Christmas Tree with a Candy Cane Cannon
Added 689 Views / 0 LikesI wanted to make a fun new way to decorate our Christmas tree this year, so I made a slingshot cannon that shot ornaments!Subscribe to my channel: Stream Every Wednesday @ 11am EST: Channel:
09:05 Popular
Fully Automated Dust Collection powered by Arduino // How To
Added 718 Views / 0 LikesI made a new dust collection system and FULLY automated it using an Arduino Uno!!Subscribe to my channel: Channel: PROJECTS, POSTS AND EVENTShttp://www.iliketomakestuff.comTOOLS & SUPPLIES:https://kit.