3D printing
14:06 Popular
MiniTank Mark II.2 - NEW TRACKS!
Added 608 Views / 0 LikesThis week I try to fix the issues that arose last week, added some spacers, reinstalled the pulleys and added an entire set of new tracks with more space between links... If you have any suggestions on how can I improve this thing please leave them in the
32:58 Popular
Fan Mail Friday! The LAST ONE OF 2017!
Added 608 Views / 0 LikesThank you again for a wonderful year of Fan Mail Friday videos! This is the LAST ONE of 2017, so it's a bit longer. Hope it tides you over until what we have coming in 2018!== Patrons in the HIGHFIVE club get access to my After The Five after show!= http:
2:33:16 Popular
Live: Unboxing the Prusa MK3!
Added 608 Views / 0 LikesIt's Christmas eve! What better way to spend it than unboxing a gift that keeps on giving - the Original Prusa i3 MK3! Today we're only unboxing the assembled one, but we'll also build the full kit very soon!???? Prusa MK3 Kit https://shop.prusa3d.com/en/
05:14 Popular
Punished Props 2017 Prop & Costume Project Recap
Added 608 Views / 0 Likes2017 was a productive year for prop and costume making in the Punished Props shop. Follow along with Bill as he highlights the many amazing things we built this past year!100k Malcolm Reynolds Prop Build Tutorialhttps://youtu.be/4NTw5AaoSJs100k Malcolm Re
14:15 Popular
3D Pen Art // Pegboard Pixels #3
Added 608 Views / 0 LikesI'm back with more little 3D pen artworks requested by my dedicated supporters on Patreon! You can join at https://patreon.com/makeanything.Learn about the 3D pens I use at https://makeanything.design/favorites
18:08 Popular
EVA Foam Skull - Surtur's Crown - Thor: Ragnarok
Added 608 Views / 0 LikesUsing EVA foam and a rotary tool, Britt carves her own version of Surtur's skull-like crown from Thor: Ragnarok. The base for the skull and horns were made twice--to create foam-friendly templates for this large, organic prop.Digital Templates for the Sku
00:48 Popular
Cold spray of a permanent magnet to the inside surface of a cylinder
Added 608 Views / 0 LikesThis video shows the additive manufacturing process of a permanent magnet being sprayed onto the interior surface of a cylinder. The process used is called cold spray where a mix of materials in powder form is accelerated to supersonic speeds in gas jet t
04:37 Popular
How To: Untangle Filament // Filament Guide
Added 608 Views / 0 LikesIt has happened to us all - tangled filament! Alec is here to show you sure-fire ways to help you eliminate tangled spools and keep those 3D prints running full-time.To see all our awesome filament choices, follow this link:https://www.matterhackers.com/s
01:33 Popular
Cool 3D prints from our office: T-Rex, Boxer Engine & 3D Clocks
Added 607 Views / 0 LikesWhen we travel the world to show off our 3D printers, people often ask us not only about our machines but also about the 3D printed models we usually bring with us. Many of these amazing models have been made by Pavel Rauš, who really knows how to print i
15:26 Popular
Added 606 Views / 0 LikesVisit Kaspersky Earth 2050???? https://kas.pr/earth2050_ivanmiranda #AD #earth2050 #kasperskyThis week I tried to make a firefighting robot, I had an issue with one of the printers and the chassis is extra flimsy but it seems to do the work. Four overkill
1:13:48 Popular
Last Stream in the old Maker's Muse Studio!
Added 606 Views / 0 Likes---Like what we do?Visit us at makersmuse.com for more information about Makers Muse!Say G'day to us on Twitter and Instagram @makersmuseWays you can support Maker's Muse:- Want to buy a 3D Printer but don't know where to start? Get our eBook here!https:/
07:38 Popular
ZYYX+ 3D Printer Review - 3D Printing High Quality Models, But At What Price?
Added 606 Views / 0 LikesThe ZYYX+ 3d printer is a fully enclosed cartesian style machine that packs some nifty features. However, these features come at a high price, and we need to find out of the legacy look and feel of the ZYYX and it's features is worth the price tag.ZYYX at
11:26 Popular
Anycubic Photon 3D Printer Review
Added 606 Views / 0 LikesResin 3D Printers are capable of incredibly detailed 3D Prints, but should you buy one? Watch to find out!Purchase Links (GearBest):Affiliate - https://www.gearbest.com/3d-printers-3d-printer-kits/pp_1579266.html?lkid=14900498Non Affiliate - https://www.g
13:41 Popular
Added 606 Views / 0 LikesThis week I managed to make a quick test of the tank so I can keep improving it. Progressss!!!!It seems that I accidentally deleted the clip where I thank all my Patreon supporters and it is too late to go and record it again. Thanks to you all!!!All the
08:40 Popular
Did You Get a 3D Printer for Christmas? I Got a 3D Printer for Christmas 3 Years Ago!
Added 605 Views / 0 LikesIt was three years ago that I received my first 3d printer, a Flashforge Creator Pro for Christmas 2014! This Christmas, I bet there were a LOT of people who received a 3d printer. Were you one of them?== Patrons in the HIGHFIVE club get access to my Afte
09:23 Popular
SLA 3D Printing: How to print highly detailed parts (STRENGTH TEST)
Added 605 Views / 0 LikesPART 2: Learn how to design highly detailed parts with smooth surfaces. In this video, you’ll learn everything you need to know about SLA, the original 3d printing technology - in only 10 minutes! We’re covering the following:- The main advantages of SLA