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3D printing

  • 11:51 $38,000 3D Printer Bed Adhesion Test // Super 77 & Zillagrip

    $38,000 3D Printer Bed Adhesion Test // Super 77 & Zillagrip

    by shub Added 235 Views / 0 Likes

    I've had bed adhesion issues on the $38,000 3d printer. Someone suggested Super 77, and Zillagrip was sent over during a Fan Mail Friday. Let's test whether either of these can hold Proto Pasta Highfive Blue PLA to the glass bed!Super 77 at Amazonhttps://

  • 04:07 $40,000+ selling Digital Ghosts for 3D Printing

    $40,000+ selling Digital Ghosts for 3D Printing

    by shub Added 171 Views / 0 Likes

    Here is exactly why you should consider making and selling your own 3D Printed Files for others to Print and Sell!Checkout Zou3D Ghost @itsBoyinSpace Etsy Shop https://www.etsy.

  • 07:15 $50 Doctor Strange Eye of Agamotto Replica Prop Review - Marvel Legends Series Hasbro Pulse

    $50 Doctor Strange Eye of Agamotto Replica Prop Review - Marvel Legends Series Hasbro Pulse

    by shub Added 309 Views / 0 Likes

    Reviewing the $50 Doctor Strange Time Stone Eye of Agamotto Replica Prop by Hasbro from their Marvel legends series of replica props!Amazon

  • 02:02 $605 worth of eBooks for $20?! - Humble Book Bundle

    $605 worth of eBooks for $20?! - Humble Book Bundle

    by shub Added 398 Views / 0 Likes

    The Humble Book Bundle will show you everything you need to know to cosplay like a pro with their latest book bundle. Get ebooks like Getting Started with Cosplay - A Beginners Guide, Cosplay Makeup Tips and Tricks, 1,000 Incredible Cosplay and Costuming

  • 01:00 $99 Ender-3 Pro at Micro Center #ad #shorts

    $99 Ender-3 Pro at Micro Center #ad #shorts

    by shub Added 258 Views / 0 Likes Customer Exclusive, $100 off the Creality Ender-3 Pro 3D Printer ($99 before taxes!). Use the link above and sign up to get your coupon via text. New Customers Only; No purchase necessary; Limited time offer; Valid in-

  • 16:02 $99 Resin 3D Printer - Does it work? Lite3DP

    $99 Resin 3D Printer - Does it work? Lite3DP

    by shub Added 283 Views / 0 Likes

    Checking out this $99 Resin 3D Printer kit and seeing if it can actually produce prints that are worth your money! Lite3DP Discord channels

  • 03:17 **Flawless** Oculus Quest Mixed Reality - 360 Beat Saber- Panic! At The Disco's “High Hopes” Hard

    **Flawless** Oculus Quest Mixed Reality - 360 Beat Saber- Panic! At The Disco's “High Hopes” Hard

    by shub Added 262 Views / 0 Likes

    I missed a couple weeks posting because my setup was garbage. After a little research and some messing with OBS, I was able to nail down the perfect mixed reality look. I also nailed this song! 360 Beat Saber is so damn fun.I am playing and will keep play

  • 06:35 *DON'T* Try This Tippi Tree Trick!

    *DON'T* Try This Tippi Tree Trick!

    by shub Added 147 Views / 0 Likes

    I've decided to share a couple of super secret Tippi Tree shapes! The 'Sacred Snowflake' and another that we can't speak of...???????????????????????????????? ????????????????*• Tippi Tree 3D printing files :• MatterHackers Build P

  • 15:32 0.4mm nozzles just became obsolete

    0.4mm nozzles just became obsolete

    by shub Added 217 Views / 0 Likes

    Are you still using a 0.4mm nozzle? You probably shouldn’t be!Thanks to Fiberpunk for sponsoring this video! Check them out at shownSalty McCreedy Benchy

  • 1:42:56 1 year anniversary special! New material reveal, multiple guests, contest winners - PRUSA LIVE #26

    1 year anniversary special! New material reveal, multiple guests, contest winners - PRUSA LIVE #26

    by shub Added 282 Views / 0 Likes

    We've been streaming PrusaLive for a year now, time flies! In this special anniversary episode, we'll reveal a brand new Prusament material!We'll catch up with guests who appeared on the show in the past - Wekster, 3DMonkeyNL and DSK001!We'll also announc

  • 00:28 1. get fancy printer 2. print flat shapes

    1. get fancy printer 2. print flat shapes

    by shub Added 61 Views / 0 Likes

    Get my files at

  • 13:09 Popular 10 Awesome Gift Ideas for Makers and 3D Printing Enthusiasts

    10 Awesome Gift Ideas for Makers and 3D Printing Enthusiasts

    by shub Added 568 Views / 0 Likes

    Don't get them another shirt or book they'll never read, in this video I'll show you 10 gifts any maker will love! 1.Delfonics Rollbahn Square Grid Notebooks Stationary's Muse 3D Printable Mode

  • 07:51 10 Basic CAD Operations for Prop Making

    10 Basic CAD Operations for Prop Making

    by shub Added 117 Views / 0 Likes

    Learning Computer Aided Design (CAD) software can be extremely daunting, especially if you don't know where to start. Bill talks you through 10 of the most used tools and operations that he uses when modeling his props for 3D printing, CNC machining, or e

  • 09:24 10 Free Prop STLs for You

    10 Free Prop STLs for You

    by shub Added 127 Views / 0 Likes

    While digging through some old projects, Bill found a treasure trove of unreleased prop STL 3D printing files. We've uploaded all of them to our website for you to download and print for free. Have fun!All of our free patterns and 3D printing files:https:

  • 17:06 10 G-code commands you NEED to know about! #3DPrinting

    10 G-code commands you NEED to know about! #3DPrinting

    by shub Added 167 Views / 0 Likes

    A big thanks to Micro Center for sponsoring this video!New Customer Exclusive – Get the Creality Ender 3 Pro 3D Printer for $99: out Micro Center’s Inland Filament: Micro Center’s Monitor Madness
