3D printing
It's All FOAM! - Unkempt Harold Prop - BORDERLANDS 2
Added 423 Views / 0 LikesBill needs more foam fabricated blasters in his life! We're huge fans of Borderlands 2 and this video covers the build for the Unkempt Harold. We have so much to share with you that the lighting details and the painting will be in future videos.Foamsmith
PRUSA IN 2024 | How We Make Our 3D Printers
Added 111 Views / 0 LikesWhen you finish watching the video, read the article on What it takes to manufacture 3D printers in Europe - https://blog.prusa3d.com/what-it-takes-to-manufacture-3d-printers-in-europe_91532We would like to take you on a tour of our factory in the heart o
Launching a 3D Printed Resin Model Rocket?
Added 290 Views / 0 LikesWill a 3d printed resin model rocket fly? WE LAUNCH! This was an AMAZING experience - from printing the parts, to assembling everything, to hearing tone, and LAUNCHING! I cannot believe I got to do this!Peopoly Phenom Noir: https://3d.pn/noirSiraya Tech B
Light-weight SLA Prototypes
Added 478 Views / 0 LikesScot Thompson visits with Machine Design Magazine about ID-Light.ID-Light™ is a trademarked technology only offered by Stratasys Direct Manufacturing; it stands for Industrial Design Light. This is a light weight SL product that is created with a propriet
I'm Intimidated by this Sewing Machine
Added 108 Views / 0 LikesWe have some sewing projects coming up this year, so we upgraded our sewing game in a big way. This was way too much machine for Bill to handle, so he built a custom adjustment knob to dial things back from 11.Sailrite Ultrafeed LSZhttps://www.sailrite.co
Naruto running in my hand #shorts
Added 268 Views / 0 LikesA naruto fidget spinner I made that animates when you spin it and record it.
3DPI.TV Interview with Nora Toure from Sculpteo
Added 431 Views / 0 LikesAt the recent Inside 3D Printing Conference in Santa Clara, 3DPI.TV met up with Nora Toure, the US sales manager for Sculpteo. We talked about Sculpteo's online services and possible future developments.
TRUE Multi Material 3D Printing on the Prusa XL!
Added 107 Views / 0 LikesTrying multi material 3d printing finally! Flexible printing on the Prusa XL! 3D Printing Nerd Studios is POWERED BY PCBWAY ▶ http://3d.pn/pcbwayStudio Build Out ▶ https://3d.pn/patreonPhone Stand ▶ https://www.printables.com/model/663196-phone-stand-phon
Injection molding and other news from Prusa + a chat with Fernando aka DSK001 - PRUSA LIVE #18
Added 307 Views / 0 LikesThe stream will be on for 1 hour. You can ask your questions ahead of time be tweeting them with the hashtag #prusaliveBut feel free to ask them in the chat during the stream too, we do our best to try and look out for them :)Prusa Discord:https://discord
Making a Topdressing Tool! / Parametric Design in Fusion360 / CR-10
Added 430 Views / 0 LikesCustom challenges require custom tools! Follow along as I design a lawn topdressing tool in Fusion360 and show you how to use parametric design, print the massive tool on the CR-10 and test it out on the front lawn!Get a CR-10 https://toms3d.org/cr10yello
Zenitsu Demon slayer spinner. #shorts
Added 273 Views / 0 LikesZenitsu from Demon Slayer animated spinner. check out my website www.spinnermation.com
Ultimaker: How to clean your print core
Added 422 Views / 0 LikesMaintenance of the BB print core should be performed once every three months. Using the Ultimaker cleaning filament is the most effective way to clean and unclog the BB print core on the Ultimaker S5. Cleaning filament can be used to clean the print core