3D printing
Can I fix my Fridge with a 3D Printer? Functional 3D Printing
Added 252 Views / 0 LikesCan I repair my Whirlpool Refrigerator Door Mullion by designing and 3D Printing a part? Lets find out! A little Functional 3D Printing200K Subscriber 3D Printer Giveaway sponsored by Elegoo ➜https://gleam.io/tdusQ/uncle-jessy-200k-subscriber-3d-printer-g
Sci-Fi RIOT SHIELD Prop - Tutorial with Evan & Katelyn
Added 480 Views / 0 LikesNot only did we help our pals Evan & Katelyn modify their epic water blaster, we also made a totally legit riot shield out of acrylic, steel, and vinyl. Links:Evan & Katelynhttps://evanandkatelyn.com/Bill's Mass Effect Defender Armorhttps://punishedprops.
Knife Sharpener | firstgizmo | 3D Printing Ideas
Added 97 Views / 0 LikesGet ready to sharpen those knives! ???????? Check out this handy 3D-printed Knife Sharpener by firstgizmo. It's simple, using only 3D printed parts. Fits different wet stone sizes. ???????? https://www.printables.com/model/703710-knife-sharpener
Contest winners, PrusaSlicer 2.4, PrusaPrinters reward systems, Controller project - PRUSA LIVE #36
Added 239 Views / 0 LikesOur last stream this year! We'll announce the winners of the last two contests on PrusaPrinters and talk about the new reward systems. PrusaSlicer 2.4 was just released, so of course, we'll cover that as well. Caleb Kraft will join us to talk about the Co
Added 462 Views / 0 LikesThis week I'm taking a few steps back on the tank design so I can fix the flaws that we've already discovered in the last version. I see the irony on going mini after moving to a bigger workshop but bear with me, this is going somewhere.If you want to hel
Original Prusa MK4 Kit Assembly | Part 2 | X-Axis and X-Carriage Assembly
Added 115 Views / 0 LikesOur assembly manuals are loved by many, but we know that some of you prefer assembly videos instead. So we experimented and created a video to help you assemble your Original Prusa MK4 kit! But this video may become outdated over time and may no longer be
Cheap Midsize Resin 3D Printer? Voxelab Proxima 8.9 Review
Added 242 Views / 0 LikesReviewing the Voxelab Proxima 8.9 - one of the cheapest midsize resin 3D PrintersTo get $5 off your Magic Spoon variety pack and get a head start on your health and fitness resolutions, click this link: https://magicspoon.com/unclejessy and use code Uncle
Embedded Magnets Thanks to Flipping Normals!
Added 371 Views / 0 LikesYOU asked for it! Embedding magnets when 3d printing! I show you ANOTHER method for making the spaces for magnets using Meshmixer and the Makers Muse Flipping Normals video, PLUS, some gcode fun to make the Prusa stick it's tongue out :)LINKS FROM THE SHO
You WOULD download a car | Skoda Auto contest
Added 106 Views / 0 LikesLove Škoda? Love 3D printing? You’ll love this! Download and 3D print a model of the new Octavia from printables.com, then upload a photo of it and you’ll stand to win some fantastic prizes.The more creative the photo, the better! The competition closes o
Polymaker Weekly Live #009 - How to read a material TDS?!
Added 240 Views / 0 LikesWelcome to our nerdy 3D printing Polymaker weekly live!We will meet every Thursday 8:30pm EST (5:30pm PST) to talk about 3D printing materials!Any questions you have, we are here to talk about it.Feel free to also share your projects on our reddit communi
Trace Image to SVG into Fusion 360 using Inkscape (free alternative to Illustrator!)
Added 426 Views / 0 LikesI use .svg files to add logos text to my Fusion 360 and in this tutorial I'll show you how using Inkscape - a completely free alternative to Adobe Illustrator!Inkscape - https://inkscape.org/Fusion 360 - https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/studen
Watering Bottle Cap | Agners | 3D Printing Ideas
Added 97 Views / 0 LikesSpring is coming and your plants need your attention! ???? For easy watering, turn a PET bottle into a watering can with the Watering Bottle Cap by Printables designer Agners. ???? Definitely a cool and practical design. ????️ Printed on Original Prusa MK
LCD vs LASER resin printer: Which one prints Better and Faster?
Added 290 Views / 0 LikesUse my link https://bit.ly/ThomasSanladerer2DCFeb22 and check out the first chapter of any DataCamp course for FREE to unlock new career opportunities and become data fluent today!Can an LCD resin printer keep up with one that uses Lasers? Well, it might
TCT Hall of Fame: Greg Morris | Process Pioneer and Application Specialist
Added 418 Views / 0 LikesTCT Awards 2018Process pioneer and application specialist, Greg Morris, was one of three individuals to be inducted into the TCT Hall of Fame for 2018.https://tctawards.com/tctawards/en/page/hall-of-fame
Another Stab at The Sewing Machine
Added 100 Views / 0 LikesBill recently "upgraded" his sewing machine pedal. Sailrite saw the video and sent us a new, slower motor system! Now it's time to test out this beast of a machine with canvas, leather, and a nice, slow speed.Sailrite Worker B Power Pack Motor System (110
Weekly 3D Prints #71 PETG Jungle Green
Added 171 Views / 0 LikesAre you looking for something to print? In our short-video series, we show you our tips for interesting 3D prints.STL and Tested G-codes for MK3S can be found at :https://www.prusaprinters.org/https://www.prusa3d.com/weeklyprints/DNA with X-ray Diffractio