3D printing
Gravity Broom Holder | 3D Printing Ideas
Added 130 Views / 0 LikesNeed a handy gadget to neatly store your broom to keep it out of the way? ???? Check out our winning design from the Wall Hooks Competition – the Gravity Broom Holder by printables designer LoboCNC. ???? This easy-to-print holder uses a rolling gear and t
Added 270 Views / 0 LikesGo to https://NordVPN.com/ivanmiranda and use code IVANMIRANDA to get a 2-year plan at a huge discount plus a free bonus. It’s risk free with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!I've built a vertical machining centre or what some may call a CNC knee mill.
06:01 Popular
VLOG: Playing with my New Rose Graphix 150 Watt co2 Laser.
Added 516 Views / 0 LikesI just received an awesome laser from Rose Graphix, so I decided to show it off a bit and let oyu guys know what other projects I have going on. Laser cutter: https://bescutter.com/collections/lasers/products/business-level-52x36-co2-laser-cutter-engraver
Comparison Guide: Ultimaker 3D Printers
Added 277 Views / 0 LikesUltimaker's are some of the bestselling 3D printers at MatterHackers - they are reliable, capable of printing with many materials, and are a complete ecosystem to help you succeed with your 3D printing goals. Even within the Ultimaker family, their are a
07:02 Popular
Avengers Infinity War Laser Cut and 3D Printed Logo #LOGOSTOLIFE
Added 515 Views / 0 LikesENTER FOR A CHANCE TO OWN THIS LOGO!https://gleam.io/c9nhw/avengers-infinity-war-giveawaySubscribe to my channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/apyrodesignVisit Reedyville Goods: www.reedyvillegoods.comWant to send us something? Now you can!Mail to:A Pyro Desi
This print is quick *and* useful! ????????
Added 110 Views / 0 LikesEZPZ Keyring 1" on Thangs : https://than.gs/m/989684➠ Join Team Make Anything on Patreon : https://patreon.com/makeanything➠ Join the Make Anything Discord server : https://discord.gg/GVWnpUd➠ My 3D Printing files on Thangs : https://bit.ly/MakeAnythang
QidiTech X-Max 3 Unboxing LIVESTREAM
Added 111 Views / 0 LikesCheckout the QidiTech X-Max 3 https://amzn.to/3TWpHEn help support the channel https://www.patreon.com/UncleJessyTwitter http://twitter.com/UncleJessy4Real Instagram https://www.instagram.com/unclejessy4real/ Facebook http://www.facebook.com/UncleJessy4Re
My new robot dog! XGO-Mini Review
Added 292 Views / 0 LikesCan't afford a Boston Dynamics SPOT or Xiaomi CyberDog? Then the XGO-Mini might be worth a look.Kickstarter Campaign - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/xgorobot/xgo-mini-an-advanced-quadruped-robot-with-ai-modulesSupport Maker's Muse on Patreon https:
3D Printing and CNC Milling Drink Coasters with Tom Sanladerer!
Added 494 Views / 0 LikesTom Sanladerer was in Seattle, so we came up with a project. CNC milled coasters with 3d printed inlays! Tom would be using Onshape for design, a birch plywood for stock, and Safety Orange Proto Pasta HTPLA filament. I used Fusion 360, walnut for the stoc
From CAD to metal now with S7
Added 105 Views / 0 LikesExplore a new range of metal 3D printing applications by upgrading the UltiMaker S5 and S7 with the Metal Expansion Kit. Its easy workflow makes creating stainless steel parts easier, more efficient, and affordable.Learn more at https://ultimaker.com/
Added 305 Views / 0 LikesAs it was expected it started raining as soon as I uploaded the video so here it is, a test under real rain. You can check the original video here: https://youtu.be/SNkKZ8oyiow
13:55 Popular
3D Printing the Maker's Muse Puzzle Cube REALLY BIG!
Added 504 Views / 0 LikesMaker's Muse designed a puzzle cube that people could create using 3D Printing. I printed one, and it was cool. Angus then called, said I should print it bigger.SO I DID.Get yourself a Maker's Muse Puzzle Cube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKw9QCtf7UE--
TCT Awards 2024: Meet the Women in 3D Printing Innovators
Added 105 Views / 0 LikesTCT Head of Content Laura Griffiths and Women in 3D Printing President Kristin Mulherin reveal this year's TCT Women in 3D Printing Innovator Award finalists in a panel session exploring each innovator's journey and unique contributions to the additive ma
Old Basement, New Shop!
Added 272 Views / 0 LikesBill takes you on a tour through our new workshop setup! A lot of thought and design went into making this space function for us and a shop will always be a work in progress.Links:Join the Extra Credit Club - Thank you!https://www.punishedprops.com/extra-
11:26 Popular
Anycubic Photon 3D Printer Review
Added 606 Views / 0 LikesResin 3D Printers are capable of incredibly detailed 3D Prints, but should you buy one? Watch to find out!Purchase Links (GearBest):Affiliate - https://www.gearbest.com/3d-printers-3d-printer-kits/pp_1579266.html?lkid=14900498Non Affiliate - https://www.g