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3D printing

  • 00:34 What is the loudest #3Dprint ?

    What is the loudest #3Dprint ?

    by shub Added 63 Views / 0 Likes

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  • 13:11 What is the LOUDEST 3D Print?

    What is the LOUDEST 3D Print?

    by shub Added 181 Views / 0 Likes

    New Customers Exclusive - Get the Creality Ender 3d pro for $99 after coupon: out Micro Center’s 3d printers and filament: Micro Center’s Amazon store filament:

  • 00:57 What Is The Print??? Emake3D Galaxy 1 almost done!

    What Is The Print??? Emake3D Galaxy 1 almost done!

    by shub Added 137 Views / 0 Likes

  • 14:14 Popular What is this 3D Printer supposed to be? JGAurora A5 Review

    What is this 3D Printer supposed to be? JGAurora A5 Review

    by shub Added 543 Views / 0 Likes

    Purchase Link - Hai Zhu's Review of the A5 - JGAurora A7 Video -'s Muse LIVE -

  • 00:47 What it takes to make a YouTube video #shorts #outtakes

    What it takes to make a YouTube video #shorts #outtakes

    by shub Added 133 Views / 0 Likes

    Watch the full video at links are affiliate links - I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you)???? All my video gear use Epidemic Sound, sign up

  • 00:15 What liquid is in Cuphead's head? #shorts

    What liquid is in Cuphead's head? #shorts

    by shub Added 225 Views / 0 Likes

    Cuphead spinner animation.

  • 04:22 What makes PolySonic so fast??

    What makes PolySonic so fast??

    by shub Added 146 Views / 0 Likes

    US Store: of the World: Properties Comparison:™ PLA is a revolutionary high-speed 3D printing filament, the ultimate ga

  • 10:01 What needs to happen next for 3D printing #MRRF2018

    What needs to happen next for 3D printing #MRRF2018

    by shub Added 458 Views / 0 Likes

    3D printing is in a great spot for makers and the DIY community - but there's still much to do if we want more capable machines and a wider adoption of the technology. So at MRRF2018, I went around and collected some of the community's opinions on what ne

  • 00:32 What random internet meme/internet oddity should we do next?

    What random internet meme/internet oddity should we do next?

    by shub Added 193 Views / 0 Likes

  • 00:53 What really happens when your Fusion 360 license expires? #Shorts

    What really happens when your Fusion 360 license expires? #Shorts

    by shub Added 157 Views / 0 Likes

    Fusion 360 received some backlash when they announced their free licenses would reduce features. Some feared Autodesk would "lock away" their designs should Autodesk decide they weren't eligible for a "Maker" or educational license anymore. Here's what re

  • 51:31 What the Talent Really Wants in 2022: Meeting Recording

    What the Talent Really Wants in 2022: Meeting Recording

    by shub Added 173 Views / 0 Likes

    In our webinar with @Alexander Daniels Global about "What the Talent Really Wants in 2022," moderated by AD Global Digital Marketing Exec. Sophie Pontoppidan, Loxley Graham (Head of Europe & ROW at AD Global) and Michael Molitch-Hou (Editor in Chief at @3

  • 00:38 What thread size is this?

    What thread size is this?

    by shub Added 19 Views / 0 Likes

    My hardware is threaded with a mix of metric and imperial--it can be a real pain. I use a thread checker to determine what the exact thread pitch is so I can cut threads to match. These checkers are also super handy when sorting leftover bolts, too!There'

  • What to buy with this 30% off everything?

    What to buy with this 30% off everything?

    by shub Added 164 Views / 0 Likes

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  • What will Printbusters become?

    What will Printbusters become?

    by shub Added 50 Views / 0 Likes

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  • 21:34 What YOU had to say about Laser Cutter safety

    What YOU had to say about Laser Cutter safety

    by shub Added 193 Views / 0 Likes

    I recently uploaded a video sharing my concerns on the glut of cheap open-frame, diode laser cutters hitting the market. However, there was so much additional insight in the comments of that video from the community that I felt it important to discuss the

  • 21:34 What you need to know about the $349 Prusa Mini (it's 32-bit)!

    What you need to know about the $349 Prusa Mini (it's 32-bit)!

    by shub Added 356 Views / 0 Likes

    Thank you to Prusa Research for sponsoring my coverage of ERRF 2019! Check out the $349 Prusa Mini: Buying items through my affiliate links gives the cha
