3D printing
TCT Show - Why visit this 2019?
Added 399 Views / 0 LikesCheck out the innovative show features, learning zones, demonstrations and product launches as well as our world-class conference and seminar programmes at this years TCT Show!
Gridfinity 3x2 Watch Case (12U) | MyStoopidStuff | 3D Printing Ideas
Added 95 Views / 0 LikesLooking for a quality solution to store your watches without risking damage? ⌚✨ The Gridfinity 3x2 Watch Case (12U) by MyStoopidStuff is designed to hold three watches (and don't worry, there's also a version for those of us who only have one watch). The
TCT Hall of Fame Inductee 2020 - Phill Dickens
Added 212 Views / 0 LikesThe TCT Hall of Fame celebrates those members of the additive manufacturing community who have made a positive, significant and long-term impact on the industry. Phill Dickens has been involved in the area of what was then known as ‘rapid prototyping’ sin
Elegoo Mars live unboxing & first print - cheap MSLA 3D Printer!
Added 435 Views / 0 LikesUnboxing the Elegoo Mars resin 3D Printer and trying to get it to print - let's see if it actually delivers what it's promising!Get it on Amazon http://go.toms3d.org/ElegooMarsIn stock in Spain (also delivers outside of Spain) http://go.toms3d.org/ElegooM
Cactus Coasters | Dila DT | 3D Printing Ideas
Added 85 Views / 0 LikesAs temperatures rise and humidity increases, there's nothing more refreshing than an icy cold drink. ???????? Unfortunately, those drinks can leave annoying rings on our furniture. That's why we bring you stylish Cactus coasters by DilsDT, printed on the
You made me do this...
Added 189 Views / 0 Likes3D printer ringing is a tricky problem to hunt down and fix - can your wacky suggestions after my last attempts improve them?Thanks to Slice Engineering for sponsoring this video! Check out the LGX Ace and LGX Shortcut here http://go.toms3d.org/LGXSliceMo
Live: Building the MPCNC! (4 - Gantry, squaring and motors)
Added 393 Views / 0 LikesIt's time - the MPCNC (Burly edition) is getting built!???? Live tips/donations here! http://toms3d.org/live-tipsIn the daily livestreams, together we build the MPCNC step-by-step In the end, it will be a fully functional CNC multitool, but mostly a light
MatterHackers Services #3DPrinting #Services
Added 81 Views / 0 LikesExplore the many services and assistance that MatterHackers' has to offer!
AI made these! I got DALL-E 2 access #goldenticket #shorts
Added 164 Views / 0 LikesDALL-E 2 is an incredible AI image generator that uses text prompts to create original imagery. It can also make variations of existing photos... absolutely incredible!Learn more about DALL-E here : https://openai.com/dall-e-2/Astrolabicon Puzzles at http
The new Duet 3 electronics ecosystem! #TCTShow2019
Added 380 Views / 0 LikesThis is the new Duet 3 ecosystem - and each bit is as crazy as the next! We cover everything from the 6-axis mainboard over the daisy-chainable expansions modules to the tool boards that handle an entire extruder and hotend without taxing the mainboard. T
3D Printing News Unpeeled: Shoes and Skate Parks
Added 77 Views / 0 LikesZellerfeld wants to create an open shoe platform. It wants to enable users to upload models which it will then produce on demand. That is a logical model for 3D printing shoes and it has a lot of potential. So far the firm has been very closed, secretive
3D Printing News Unpeeled, With Joris Peels
Added 196 Views / 0 LikesA hopefully insightful, concise and timely rundown of the days 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing news. Today we're discussing Rosswag Engineering, Wertel Oberfell, Stryker and more.
3DPI.TV - 3D Printed Bio Bots Use Mouse Muscle to Move
Added 413 Views / 0 LikesRead more: http://3dprintingindustry.com/2014/07/03/3d-printed-bio-bots-use-mouse-muscle-move/Video Transcript: An experiment, at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, using a 3D printed, artificial tendon controlled by real mouse muscle cells h
Hero or Villain?
Added 69 Views / 0 LikesOur buddy Jonah has a new graphic novel coming out! The villain has a wicked-looking axe called Rüna and we got to make the axe! This build has a lot of wood carving, hand sculpting, and CNC work. Rüna was so much fun to make and I'm stoked to see what ha
Wooden Centerpiece with Inventables X-Carve // Weekend Builds
Added 387 Views / 0 LikesAre you making gifts for the upcoming holiday season? Learn how easy it is to design and carve with the Inventables X-Carve and Easel Pro on this edition of Weekend Builds. Alec is creating a centerpiece from a round cut of raw wood for a wedding gift. Fo