3D printing
Spool Racer 2.0 at #MRRF2018 // Filament Friday + Barnacules Nerdgasm + 3D Printing Nerd ... AGAIN!
Added 485 Views / 0 LikesThe Spool Racer 2.0 made it's public debut at the Midwest RepRap Festival this year. This glorious glider is the brainchild of Chuck Hellebuyck, the man behind FIlament Friday. Together with Barnacules Nerdgasm, set Chuck and Spool Racer 2.0 on a collisio
Cool Mouse Lamps | 3D Printing Ideas
Added 125 Views / 0 LikesWhile having mice in your apartment is typically not ideal, there's an exception worth making! ???? These mouse-shaped lamps, crafted by the talented designer lil_wave, are perfect gifts for any fan of these charming little rodents. ????✨???? https://www.
Designer 3DPrintBunny, Timekeepers contest winners and new contest - PRUSA LIVE #30
Added 285 Views / 0 LikesWe'll be joined by designer 3DPrintBunny:https://www.prusaprinters.org/social/94081-3dprintbunny/printsWe'll announce the winners of the PrusaPrinters Timekeepers contest and the theme of the new contests. And we'll be joined by the talented designer 3DPr
17:58 Popular
The Half-Penny 3D Printed Skateboard
Added 565 Views / 0 LikesThis video is sponsored in part by Audible. Visit https://www.audible.com/makeanything or *text makeanything to 500-500 to start your 30 day free trial!Sometimes I stumble upon something that just inspires me to design a whole project around it. When I sa
Bambu A1 min VS X1 Carbon - MY THOUGHTS
Added 131 Views / 0 LikesGet an A1 mini, X1 Carbon ▶ http://3d.pn/bambuSUPPORT! ????ETSY! ▶ https://www.etsy.com/shop/3DPrintingNerdMERCH! ▶ https://the3dprintingnerd.com/merchPatreon ▶ https://3d.pn/patreonFloatPlane ▶ https://www.floatplane.com/channel/3dprintingnerdBuyMeACoffe
12:32 Popular
My 3D Printed Puzzles
Added 517 Views / 0 LikesIn celebration of my puzzle competition with MyMiniFactory I'm sharing a bunch of 3D printed puzzles I've designed in the past few years! Enter the competition : https://bit.ly/MakeAnythingDownload the files : http://bit.ly/MAPuzzlesThe Dremel 3D45 Printe
Test your 3D Printers for thermal runaway safety now!
Added 264 Views / 0 LikesBasic thermal protection is a feature that has been available in the standard 3D printer firmwares for a long time and it does a great job of protecting its heater elements when the temperature readings stop making sense. But as it turns out, some manufac
10:43 Popular
QnA: How Proto-pasta makes filament!
Added 1,335 Views / 0 LikesThere were still some question left from the last video where Proto-pasta let me make some custom filament on their production line, so here are your questions (from Twitter) answered!Check out Proto-pasta at http://www.proto-pasta.com?aff=44???? Enjoying
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NEW Elegoo Jupiter Resin 3D Printer Kickstarter Campaign
Added 270 Views / 0 LikesChecking out the Elegoo Jupiter Resin 3D Printer Kickstarter Campaign and what features comes with this large 3D PrinterThanks again to Elegoo for Sponsoring today's video ➜https://bit.ly/39b5aUAElegoo's Kickstarter Campaign ➜ https://www.kickstarter.com/
Everything about nozzles with a different diameter
Added 427 Views / 0 LikesLearn more in the full article about nozzles with a different diameter:https://www.prusaprinters.org/everything-about-nozzles-with-a-different-diameter/The default nozzle diameter for most of today’s printers is 0.4 mm, and E3D’s hotends used in Original
Black Friday 2023 3D Printing Deals
Added 114 Views / 0 LikesIt's time to checkout all of the best 3D Printing Black Friday Deals of 2023! If you find more deals make sure to leave a comment down below to others out!00:00 The Best 3D Printing Black Friday Deals of 202300:32 Bambu Lab https://bit.ly/BambuLabBF2301:0
Anodizing - What is it and How Does it Work? Complete Aluminium Anodizing Process Explained
Added 262 Views / 0 Likes#anodizing Learn what aluminium anodizing is and how it works. At the end of the video, you will know what the complete anodizing process entails and how it can work to your advantage as an engineer. The entire aluminium anodizing process will be discusse
09:00 Popular
3D Printing Design Contest - Filament Spool Holder! Thanks to Matterhackers and MyMiniFactory!
Added 591 Views / 0 LikesFor the design contest details, visit the link below:https://www.myminifactory.com/competition/147Matterhackers pro-series filaments can be seen here:http://3d.pn/mhproWant to see the first Shelf Brackets Video?https://youtu.be/u19MeZWK1mwI've teamed up w