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3D printing

  • 09:15 WUXN WX1 Review // IS THIS 3D PRINTER FOR YOU?


    by shub Added 310 Views / 0 Likes

    WUXN has the WX1, a familiar design with some decent upgrades. The says "More Intelligence. More Speed. More Reliability." But IS it smarter, faster, and more reliable? Let's go over what happened after the stream and what my experience with the machine w

  • 2:21:49 Rep Brau & Assembling a Repbox with Repkord & Vanfullapuppies

    Rep Brau & Assembling a Repbox with Repkord & Vanfullapuppies

    by shub Added 350 Views / 0 Likes

    Nick (aka @vanfullapuppies) and I were lucky enough to be part of the planning board for the ERRF 2018 event and we thought we'd give you a little recap on our experience, any cool things we saw (although we were super busy so we didn't get to see everyth

  • 15:04 My Simple Resin 3D Printing Process - From A to Z

    My Simple Resin 3D Printing Process - From A to Z

    by shub Added 58 Views / 0 Likes

    Let me walk you through my process of how I 3D Print with Resin! Thanks to @ElegooOfficial for Sponsoring today's video!Elegoo Day Contest / Big Sale ➜ Big Fall Amazon Sale ➜ 4 Plus ➜ https://b

  • 17:57 Flynova Pro Flying Sphere? // Fan Mail Friday

    Flynova Pro Flying Sphere? // Fan Mail Friday

    by shub Added 245 Views / 0 Likes

    Video Sponsored by Ridge Wallet: Code “3DPRINTINGNERD” for 10% off your orderONE BIG GIVE - 3D Printing Nerd team at Seattle Childrens to WIN a Ridge Wallet?

  • 21:00 Trying to understand the Monoprice Delta Pro

    Trying to understand the Monoprice Delta Pro

    by shub Added 436 Views / 0 Likes

    Monoprice are selling the Delta Pro as a variant of their sub $200 "Delta Mini" - and that makes little, yet surprisingly much sense. Find out how this $1299 3D printer stacks up and why I'm having trouble understanding it as a product.Get the Delta Pro f

  • 02:05 MatterHackers and the Rings of Power - An Unobtanium and MatterHackers Partnership

    MatterHackers and the Rings of Power - An Unobtanium and MatterHackers Partnership

    by shub Added 66 Views / 0 Likes

    Are you a #business or #professional that needs help producing #3DPrintedParts? The #Pros at MatterHackers are here to help you reach your #production #goals.We recently partnered with Unobtanium to create the Rings of Power for the Amazon debut at Comic

  • 03:52 HOWTO: Upgrade Prusa CW1 Firmware // 3DPN Quickie

    HOWTO: Upgrade Prusa CW1 Firmware // 3DPN Quickie

    by shub Added 286 Views / 0 Likes

    The @Prusa 3D by Josef Prusa CW1 is the cleaning and curing station for the SL1 resin 3d printer. It has firmware, and updating it can bring you more features - like preheating your resin as a menu option up front! I take you through the steps.Want to Hel

  • 02:32 Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Technology

    Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Technology

    by shub Added 399 Views / 0 Likes

    Watch the latest FDM video from Stratasys Direct Manufacturing:

  • Meet the Polymaker Show

    Meet the Polymaker Show

    by shub Added 47 Views / 0 Likes

    Support the stream:

  • 1:14:29 First look at new Prusament material, new contest and chat with Paul Paukstelis - PRUSA LIVE #17

    First look at new Prusament material, new contest and chat with Paul Paukstelis - PRUSA LIVE #17

    by shub Added 321 Views / 0 Likes

    The stream will be on for 1 hour. You can ask your questions ahead of time be tweeting them with the hashtag #prusaliveBut feel free to ask them in the chat during the stream too, we do our best to try and look out for them :)Prusa Discord:https://discord

  • 01:38 Case Study On Practical 3D Printing

    Case Study On Practical 3D Printing

    by shub Added 465 Views / 0 Likes

    Read more: Transcript: Maya Ben David, a designer from Israel has come up with a 3D printing application that is less about the visual in the context of the home. This application is about

  • 00:19 Tablet Stand | Bamingo Design | 3D Printing Ideas

    Tablet Stand | Bamingo Design | 3D Printing Ideas

    by shub Added 53 Views / 0 Likes

    Attention tablet users! You're going to love the Tablet Stand by Bamingo Design! ✨ It is a practical yet stylish addition to any workspace. Printed on the Original Prusa MK4S using Prusament PLA Woodfill Linden.

  • 12:20 How to 3D Print a Mandalorian Helmet on the Elegoo Saturn! Resin Welding!

    How to 3D Print a Mandalorian Helmet on the Elegoo Saturn! Resin Welding!

    by shub Added 305 Views / 0 Likes

    How to 3D Print a Mandalorian Helmet on the Elegoo Saturn! Resin Welding! How to print really big things on smaller resin 3D PrintersThanks again to Elegoo for Sponsoring today's video. You can findout more about Elegoo's printers, resins and other access

  • 23:22 ACES Astronaut Helmet Visor for Adam Savage - Vacuum Forming Tutorial

    ACES Astronaut Helmet Visor for Adam Savage - Vacuum Forming Tutorial

    by shub Added 472 Views / 0 Likes

    When a Mythbusters issues you a challenge, you rise to the occasion! Adam Savage needed a pair of visors for his ACES space suit costume for his NYCC 2018 incognito costume. Bill and Britt got to work using their brand new vacuum forming machine.LinksAdam

  • 00:59 I found a use for my old hotel cards #diy

    I found a use for my old hotel cards #diy

    by shub Added 43 Views / 0 Likes

    We have done this with stickers and convention badges, too!You can find the sticky magnet sheets at craft stores but we purchased our on Amazon: Props Mission: Transforming passionate fans into confident, skillful makers. F

  • 00:38 Goku surfing his nimbus cloud.  #shorts

    Goku surfing his nimbus cloud. #shorts

    by shub Added 270 Views / 0 Likes
