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3D printing

  • 05:31 Popular Hellthy Junk Food Logo Brought to Life Using 3D Printing

    Hellthy Junk Food Logo Brought to Life Using 3D Printing

    by shub Added 523 Views / 0 Likes

    Hellthy Junk for has shot up to 1.5 million subscribers and is tearing up the youtube trending page almost every week in just a little under 5 years. They have been an awesome inspiration for my channel and it has been an honor to be able to create this 3

  • 11:32 Popular MatterHackers Minute // 3D Printed Ghostbusters Movie Props

    MatterHackers Minute // 3D Printed Ghostbusters Movie Props

    by shub Added 520 Views / 0 Likes

    Meet Chris Tomlinson - the man behind the YouTube Series Ghostbusters: Station 6! Chris uses 3D printing and MatterHackers MH Build Series and PRO Series PLA filament to create authentic Ghostbusters props, including a fully functioning, iconic Proton Pac

  • 07:40 Popular What is SLS 3D Printing? Showing Models from the Sinterit Lisa 3D Printer

    What is SLS 3D Printing? Showing Models from the Sinterit Lisa 3D Printer

    by shub Added 557 Views / 0 Likes

    SLS 3D Printing is an amazing 3d printer technology that uses lasers to sintering a nylon powder to form awesome models! Here are some model from the Sinterit LISA.== Become a HIGHFIVE club member at PATREON! Shop at the Affiliate Li

  • 19:33 Popular 5 More Reasons you need Meshmixer for your 3D Printing Projects

    5 More Reasons you need Meshmixer for your 3D Printing Projects

    by shub Added 556 Views / 0 Likes

    In this video we'll discuss 5 additional tools in Meshmixer you can use for your 3D Printing adventures. Timestamps:0:55 Hollow 4:03 Supports6:32 Changing mesh appearance 7:32 Reduce triangle count9:03 Remesh10:51 Layout and packing14:50 Make solidGet Mes

  • 03:50 Popular Sylatech: Casting metal parts from 3D prints

    Sylatech: Casting metal parts from 3D prints

    by shub Added 521 Views / 0 Likes

    Sylatech is an investment casting firm that uses Ultimaker 3D printers to speed up their rapid prototyping process. By using the Ultimaker, the prototype can be finalized before investing in tooling for larger volume productions.Read the full story here:

  • 1:12:17 I'm Back! Chat About The Channel

    I'm Back! Chat About The Channel

    by shub Added 442 Views / 0 Likes

    Want to send me something? Abuzz Designs PO Box 152 Cape Neddick, ME 03902 Affiliate Links- Bangood - Gearbest - Maker Geeks - Where else am I? Etsy- Patreon- h

  • 07:45 Things you should know about PLA

    Things you should know about PLA

    by shub Added 488 Views / 0 Likes

    Everyone can print PLA, it's super easy, right? Well, only because everyone else is printing it, too! PLA comes with its own set of pitfalls, but it can be incredibly rewarding to get it right.Thank you to Aprintapro for sponsoring the series! Check out t

  • 11:14 Popular Basic Prop & Costume Weathering with Acrylic Paint Washes

    Basic Prop & Costume Weathering with Acrylic Paint Washes

    by shub Added 543 Views / 0 Likes

    A basic black, brown, or dark wash of acrylic paints can add a quick and easy weathering pass to your prop and costume projects that'll make it look more realistic and world worn. In this video, Bill shows some simple techniques to take your prop finishes

  • 00:52 Popular Extruder motor visualizer

    Extruder motor visualizer

    by shub Added 656 Views / 0 Likes

    Visualize the rotation of your extruder motor with this simple attachment.Learn more in our article:ředstavujeme indikátor otáčení motoru extruderu, se kterým budete vždy hned vědět, jak se

  • 00:48 Popular Cold spray of a permanent magnet to the inside surface of a cylinder

    Cold spray of a permanent magnet to the inside surface of a cylinder

    by shub Added 575 Views / 0 Likes

    This video shows the additive manufacturing process of a permanent magnet being sprayed onto the interior surface of a cylinder. The process used is called cold spray where a mix of materials in powder form is accelerated to supersonic speeds in gas jet t

  • 18:03 Quick Swap Connector for my HyperCube 3D Printer

    Quick Swap Connector for my HyperCube 3D Printer

    by shub Added 494 Views / 0 Likes

    Sponsor: PCB Manufacture from $2 - this video I've installed MPX connectors between the RAMPS and the Tool Heads. This will make swapping tool heads that require electrical connection a breeze.Wiring diagrams and 3D printable MPX mou

  • 11:51 Things you should know about your filaments

    Things you should know about your filaments

    by shub Added 464 Views / 0 Likes

    Filament misconceptions, filament basics knowledge, call this one whatever you want (as long as you don't call it a vlog)! But this video is jam-packed with info on how to pick a filament and what you should be looking for!Thank you to Aprintapro for spon

  • 07:38 Popular ZYYX+ 3D Printer Review - 3D Printing High Quality Models, But At What Price?

    ZYYX+ 3D Printer Review - 3D Printing High Quality Models, But At What Price?

    by shub Added 573 Views / 0 Likes

    The ZYYX+ 3d printer is a fully enclosed cartesian style machine that packs some nifty features. However, these features come at a high price, and we need to find out of the legacy look and feel of the ZYYX and it's features is worth the price tag.ZYYX at

  • 15:52 LASERPEN the LASER PEN


    by shub Added 495 Views / 0 Likes

    LASERPEN is a LASER PEN!!! Check out how I made it and what it does!

  • 07:09 MasterSpool Standard for 3D Printing

    MasterSpool Standard for 3D Printing

    by shub Added 486 Views / 0 Likes

    The MasterSpool standard is a concept idea for a way to deliver 3D printing filament to users without a spool of any kind.Blog post about the MasterSpool concept here - ma

  • 03:43 Popular The BCN3D Sigmax Massive Dual Extrusion 3D Printer // Product Highlights

    The BCN3D Sigmax Massive Dual Extrusion 3D Printer // Product Highlights

    by shub Added 600 Views / 0 Likes

    Check out the BCN3D Sigmax dual extrusion 3D printers! This massive printer has great capabilities, and thanks do it's IDEX (independent dual extrusion) system, you can print multiple parts faster, and even print mirrored parts at the same time. Learn mor
