3D printing
Ketchup with Pooch and Pyro
Added 414 Views / 0 LikesJoin Pooch , DDhedder and I as we explore what has been going on in the maker community over the past 2 weeks.This weeks episode sponsored by Rhino Reel! Check out this new subscription box service!www.rhinoreel.comHere are the things we discussed this we
3D Printing Clay? The Bottery from Emerging Objects at Bay Area Maker Faire #BAMF2018
Added 434 Views / 0 LikesI saw this really cool paste extruder 3d printing in clay at Bay Area Maker Faire this year. It was REALLY cool to see in person, and what Emerging Objects is doing with their technology is awesome!http://emergingobjects.com-------------------------------
One Day Build: Adhesive Tape Rack in my Prop Shop
Added 491 Views / 0 LikesProper tape storage can make a huge difference in your prop & costume shop efficiency! Follow along with Bill as he puts together a custom made adhesive tape roll storage rack.Tools & Materials:18 Gauge Brad Nailer - Amazonhttps://amzn.to/2Jcne4ETable Saw
23:56 Popular
We made some very unique filament at Proto-pasta!
Added 504 Views / 0 LikesFilament making is a skill and an artform at the same time - I go through the process of how raw resin pellets get refined and finally extruded into 3D printing filament!Check out Proto-pasta at http://www.proto-pasta.com?aff=44???? Enjoying the videos? S
MatterHackers Minute // Bay Area Maker Faire Recap
Added 459 Views / 0 LikesMara is here to recap the adventure that is Bay Area Maker Faire! The MatterHackers' booth displayed all kinds of "make," including the Pulse 3D printer, the new Ultimaker S5, the Peopoly Moai, and the Carbide Nomad 3D Carver - find them all below, along
RepRap HangPrinter Workshop at E3D with Torbjørn Ludvigsen
Added 493 Views / 0 LikesThis video is about the RepRap HangPrinter Workshop - Hosted at the E3D HQ in Oxford (UK) May 2018 - With Torbjørn Ludvigsen (inventor and designer of the Hangprinter)And Richard Horne (Me - RichRap3D)My Blog Post about the HangPrinter can be found here -
3D Printing and CNC Milling Drink Coasters with Tom Sanladerer!
Added 493 Views / 0 LikesTom Sanladerer was in Seattle, so we came up with a project. CNC milled coasters with 3d printed inlays! Tom would be using Onshape for design, a birch plywood for stock, and Safety Orange Proto Pasta HTPLA filament. I used Fusion 360, walnut for the stoc
New machines for Digital Fabrication at MFBA 2018! Vacuum-forming, frameless CNC and clay 3DP
Added 460 Views / 0 Likes???? Matterhackers [????????] http://www.matterhackers.com/store/printer-kits/markforged-mark-two-enterprise-high-temp-fiberglass-3d-printer?rcode=TSAN86???? Mark3D [????????] http://www.mark3d.de/markforged-onyx-druckmaterial???? Compare all #Filaween te
Daft Punk Helmet by Estefannie Explains It All at Bay Area Maker Faire #BAMF2018
Added 497 Views / 0 LikesEstefannie is a awesome maker, and quite rad people in person. If you get the chance I highly suggest you meet her and strike up a conversation about awesome stuff!Also, #highfive if you stayed until the end :)Estefannie Explains It All:http://estefannie.
This Mechanism only turns Clockwise, no matter what.
Added 471 Views / 0 LikesThank you to Audible for sponsoring today's video! To start your free 30 day trial and to receive your free audiobook visit http://www.audible.com/makersmuse or text "makersmuse" to 500-500!Two way to one way mechanism 3D Printing Files - https://gumroad.
14:36 Popular
The best 3D printed projects from Maker Faire Bay Area 2018! Engines, Theme Parks, Electric Motors!
Added 532 Views / 0 LikesCheck out all the fascinating 3DP projects makers brought to the Maker Faire Bay Area!Thank you to Atom for sponsoring this trip to #MFBA! Check them out at http://atom3dp.com/ ???? Enjoying the videos? Support my work on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/
Carbide3D Nomad - CNC Mill at Bay Area Maker Faire Matterhackers Booth #BAMF2018
Added 488 Views / 0 LikesThe Carbide3D CNC mill is a neat little machine. It's smaller in size, but built strong so it can handle the violent stresses of milling operations.--------------------------------Matterhackers supports what we do, so if you need anything 3d printing rela
How to Build a Material Storage Shelf for Prop & Costume Making Supplies
Added 487 Views / 0 LikesMaterials storage is a major concern when you're running your own prop and costume making shop. Bill put a lot of thought into how he was going to organize his foam, wood, and plastic before building these custom made material storage shelves.Tools & Mate
I Taught My 3D Printer How to Sing ( and Dance! )
Added 385 Views / 0 LikesVisit https://www.makeanything.design/3dprintermusic to download the gcode for the songs I wrote, and share your tunes at https://makeanything.design/community !!!Speaking of music, I've released an album of songs created for Make Anything, including the
04:37 Popular
How To: Untangle Filament // Filament Guide
Added 607 Views / 0 LikesIt has happened to us all - tangled filament! Alec is here to show you sure-fire ways to help you eliminate tangled spools and keep those 3D prints running full-time.To see all our awesome filament choices, follow this link:https://www.matterhackers.com/s
11:49 Popular
Bay Area Maker Faire 2018 - Prusa MMU2 and more!
Added 504 Views / 0 LikesRecently we headed off for San Mateo California to visit one of the largest Maker Faire's out there. This will be our 4th year attending the Bay Area Maker Faire. Each year is filled with new and exciting surprises. This is just a taste of what you actual