3D printing
14:36 Popular
The best 3D printed projects from Maker Faire Bay Area 2018! Engines, Theme Parks, Electric Motors!
Added 528 Views / 0 LikesCheck out all the fascinating 3DP projects makers brought to the Maker Faire Bay Area!Thank you to Atom for sponsoring this trip to #MFBA! Check them out at http://atom3dp.com/ ???? Enjoying the videos? Support my work on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/
Carbide3D Nomad - CNC Mill at Bay Area Maker Faire Matterhackers Booth #BAMF2018
Added 487 Views / 0 LikesThe Carbide3D CNC mill is a neat little machine. It's smaller in size, but built strong so it can handle the violent stresses of milling operations.--------------------------------Matterhackers supports what we do, so if you need anything 3d printing rela
How to Build a Material Storage Shelf for Prop & Costume Making Supplies
Added 485 Views / 0 LikesMaterials storage is a major concern when you're running your own prop and costume making shop. Bill put a lot of thought into how he was going to organize his foam, wood, and plastic before building these custom made material storage shelves.Tools & Mate
I Taught My 3D Printer How to Sing ( and Dance! )
Added 382 Views / 0 LikesVisit https://www.makeanything.design/3dprintermusic to download the gcode for the songs I wrote, and share your tunes at https://makeanything.design/community !!!Speaking of music, I've released an album of songs created for Make Anything, including the
04:37 Popular
How To: Untangle Filament // Filament Guide
Added 604 Views / 0 LikesIt has happened to us all - tangled filament! Alec is here to show you sure-fire ways to help you eliminate tangled spools and keep those 3D prints running full-time.To see all our awesome filament choices, follow this link:https://www.matterhackers.com/s
Bay Area Maker Faire 2018 - Prusa MMU2 and more!
Added 500 Views / 0 LikesRecently we headed off for San Mateo California to visit one of the largest Maker Faire's out there. This will be our 4th year attending the Bay Area Maker Faire. Each year is filled with new and exciting surprises. This is just a taste of what you actual
05:53 Popular
3D Printing at an Angle! Talking Printrbelt with Brook Drumm from Printrbot #BAMF2018
Added 522 Views / 0 LikesIt's always a pleasure chatting with Brook Drumm at the Printrbot booth during Bay Area Maker Faire. This year, Brook brought along the revamped Printrbelt - a 3d printer with X and Y at 35 degrees, and z on a conveyor belt!-------------------------------
03:49 Popular
David Shorey / Shorey Designs and 3D Printing on Fabric at Bay Area Maker Faire #BAMF2018
Added 527 Views / 0 LikesDavid Shorey through Shorey Designs creates amazing pieces where 3d printers print ONTO fabric and other materials. This sort of thing is great for costumes, cosplay, and as he shows, creating a functional dress! His table at Bay Area Maker Faire 2018 was
Ultimaker S5 unboxing - Set up and start 3D printing
Added 496 Views / 0 LikesExplore what comes in the box with your Ultimaker S5.Learn more about the Ultimaker S5 here: https://ultim.kr/2J7GYCU« About Ultimaker »From the very beginning we’ve nurtured an environment for open source collaboration and sharing. Through our industry-l
05:06 Popular
Prusa i3 mk3 MMU 2 - 3D Printing 5 Materials / Colors at Once #BAMF2018
Added 561 Views / 0 Likes--------------------------------Matterhackers supports what we do, so if you need anything 3d printing related, use the links below to go get it!--------------------------------MH BUILD series filaments (aff) : http://3d.pn/mhbuildMH PRO series filaments
06:49 Popular
How to create custom supports in Meshmxier
Added 575 Views / 0 LikesDid you know that there is an alternative to the supports generated in Slic3r? If used properly, tree supports can save you filament, print time and make support removal really easy.Read full article:https://www.prusaprinters.org/how-to-create-custom-over
Fan Mail Friday - Legless Armless Top of the Headless Robot Tshirt Edition
Added 462 Views / 0 LikesLink to the roller coaster:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WC5T3d7qJGQLegless Armless Top-of-the-Headless Robot Tshirt:http://3d.pn/shop--------------------------------Matterhackers supports what we do, so if you need anything 3d printing related, use the
07:35 Popular
5 Cool 3D Printed Mechanisms
Added 844 Views / 0 LikesThese models are incredible examples of what 3D Printing is capable of! Which is your favourite?Nautilus Gears - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:27233Gear Bearing - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:53451Reuleaux Triangle Bearing - https://www.thingiver
Armor Painting and Assembly – VRtist Jazza Collab – Part 2
Added 440 Views / 0 LikesThe Jazza VRtist armor is sealed, painted, and assembled! Attaching all the armor pieces was quite a challenge, but we did it!Draw with Jazza Costume Design Videohttps://youtu.be/6psZH0kniXUFoam Armor - VRtist Jazza Collab - Part 1https://youtu.be/7x-1n4c
3D Printing Industry Awards 2018 // Live Coverage
Added 495 Views / 0 LikesJoin me in watching the 3D Printing Industry Awards ceremony preceded by interviews with a few prominent figures in the 3D printing community.
00:20 Popular
Inside Desktop Metal's Debinder
Added 506 Views / 0 LikesDesktop Metal CEO Ric Fulop presents a quick look inside the company's debinder for its Studio System metal 3D printing offering at RAPID + TCT 2018.Read more at 3DPrint.com: http://3dprint.com/213997/desktop-metal-interview-rapid-2018/[video: Sarah Goehr