3D printing
10:02 Popular
3D Pen Wall Art
Added 502 Views / 0 Likes3D Pens can produce excellent art, and it doesn't even have to be 3D!3DMate Pen and Base : https://amzn.to/2z8m7irFillamentum Timberfill : https://amzn.to/2KIqyoL
The New Lulzbot Mini 2 // 3D Printer
Added 455 Views / 0 LikesMatterHackers Pro, Dave gets into the details of the newest offering from LulzBot, the Mini 2!Learn more about the Mini 2 here:https://www.matterhackers.com/store/l/lulzbot-mini-2-fully-assembled-desktop-3d-printer/sk/MPH08M9V?rcode=YTUBECheck out everyth
18:16 Popular
3D Printing an EPIC PUZZLE CUBE from Wildrose Builds HUGE! MatterControl 2.0!
Added 576 Views / 0 Likes3D Printing puzzles isn't new, but this amazing puzzle cube by Wildrose Builds is just beautiful! It's three of the same piece, so thoughtfully placed together in such a way that everything slides in and forms a finished cube!Also, MatterControl 2.0! We d
12:30 Popular
Creality Ender 3 Review
Added 638 Views / 0 LikesBEST 3D PRINTER UNDER $200 2018!!!... Well, maybe. This is my honest review of the Ender 3 from Creality.BREAKING NEWS: The Ender 3 is now OPEN SOURCE! https://youtu.be/GKjivPRI_S0Gearbest Purchase Links for the Ender 3:Affiliate - https://www.gearbest.co
East Coast Rep Rap Fest Highlights ERRF 2018
Added 467 Views / 0 LikesI recently traveled to Maryland to visit the very first East Coast Rep Rap Festival. Thanks to Repkord I was able to experience this event on a whole new level.Subscribe to my channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/apyrodesignWant to send us something? Now you
Makonde Dagger Prop Build Tutorial - 250k Sub Community Build Designed by Jonah Lobe
Added 457 Views / 0 LikesAs a celebration for hitting 200k subscribers on YouTube, Bill built a prop dagger designed by Skyrim artist Jonah Lobe! Follow along and then make your own in this epic community build.LINKS:Participate in our Community Build (Deadline September 3rd 2018
07:22 Popular
The Easiest Fusion 360 Tutorial There Is! 3D Printing Tripod Feet Attachments with Pulse XE & NylonX
Added 508 Views / 0 LikesIn a previous video, I design and 3d printed tripod leg extenders. Now, I needed a way to attach the tripod feet to the pvc pipe. EASY PEASY.Shopping list:MH BUILD PLA: http://3d.pn/mhbuildPulse XE: http://3d.pn/pulsexeNyloneX: http://3d.pn/nylonxMatterCo
3D Pen Unboxings + Pegboard Pixel Livestream
Added 486 Views / 0 LikesBack at it with those 3D pen patreon pegboard pixels!Unboxing 3D Simo Kit : http://bit.ly/3DsimoPenSee more 3D pen ratings at https://makeanything.design/favorites
14:30 Popular
Update from Prusa! New MMU Features / PEI Beds / New Slicer
Added 511 Views / 0 LikesAfter Maker Faire Prague, I got the chance to interview Josef Prusa about how things are coming along at Prusa Research. We talk about the new features in the MK3 / MK2.5 Multi-Material Upgrade, touch on how the PEI coated beds are coming along and cover
05:51 Popular
Huge 3D Printed Sliding Puzzle! Print in Place "15-Puzzle" Experiment
Added 695 Views / 0 LikesIn this video I designed and 3D Printed a modern twist of the famous 15 Puzzle, a classic sliding puzzle dating back to the 1870s.Print your own and watch the full design tutorial - https://gumroad.com/products/dxOtJNot sure if your 3D Printer can handle
03:23 Popular
The first Prague Maker Faire recap!
Added 505 Views / 0 LikesThe very first Prague Maker Faire featured 180 maker exhibits and attracted over 10500 visitors from both Czech Republic and other countries.Our booth was created completely with the machines in our new PrusaLab hackerspace in just 2 weeks!It was an incre
How To Everything E3D // 3D Printing Accessory Guide
Added 497 Views / 0 LikesAlec gives us an in-depth look at the best upgrades you can buy for your 3D printer - E3D! Learn all about hotends, heat breaks, extruders, nozzles, and the important things to plan for before installation. For all things E3D, check out this link:https://
Ketchup with Pooch and Pyro -Powered by IC3D Industries 6/27/2018
Added 459 Views / 0 LikesWe had so many great stories this episode that we couldn't fit them all in the description! Here's a link to the google doc where you can see them all:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KqTmPbmkbbAQm1gY3iN8vXBdnKXQPGVscJLEQK7rpeA/edit?usp=sharingWe wante
19:53 Popular
3D Printing a Spool Holder Using Paper Towel Cardboard Tubes
Added 536 Views / 0 LikesPaper towel cardboard tubes were a staple of my upbringing, and no doubt served a glorious purpose. NOW, a few years later, I find myself pondering the idea of using this timeless classic for a practical purpose. Can a paper towel cardboard tube support t
Draw in Colour with your 3D Printer!
Added 430 Views / 0 LikesDraw in Colour with your 3D Printer using Fusion360! Continuing from my previous video https://youtu.be/E8PDoXmebkg I show how to switch pens during a 2D Print with Fusion360.________________________________________________________A very special thank you
21:30 Popular
3D Printing a New Gear Shift Knob and All About Annealing PLA
Added 534 Views / 0 LikesThe gear shift knob I 3d printed some time ago was getting to the point of needing to be replaced. Alex from Proto Pasta was around, and we tested annealing the PLA to see if that would help with being in the heat of the car.YES, video is long, but there