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3D printing

  • 19:57 Can NylonG Survive a DEMOLITION DERBY?

    Can NylonG Survive a DEMOLITION DERBY?

    by shub Added 395 Views / 0 Likes

    Thanks to Matterhackers for sponsoring this episode! Buy NylonX, NylonG, LayerLock, and the Pulse XE at the links below:NylonX - - - XE - Matterhack

  • 00:55 Spring-Loaded Iris Gift Box | 3D Printing Ideas

    Spring-Loaded Iris Gift Box | 3D Printing Ideas

    by shub Added 126 Views / 0 Likes

  • 09:09 The Different Surface Finishes for CNC Machining (compared)

    The Different Surface Finishes for CNC Machining (compared)

    by shub Added 260 Views / 0 Likes

    Learn everything you need to know about the different surface finishes for CNC machining. In this video, we'll compare and explain the most common surface finishes for CNC. As machined, smooth machining, bead blasting, brushing, anodizing type 2 and 3 and

  • 08:12 Quick 3D Printing Update Before Bay Area Maker Faire

    Quick 3D Printing Update Before Bay Area Maker Faire

    by shub Added 440 Views / 0 Likes

    We are on our way to Bay Area Maker Faire! Before we leave, there is quite a bit to show you, and give you a peek at. Lots of upcoming 3d printing projects!Joelbot Circle Hoodie:

  • 00:42 Check filament length on your Prusament spool

    Check filament length on your Prusament spool

    by shub Added 112 Views / 0 Likes

    Are you running out of filament on your Prusament spool and unsure if there's enough left for your next print? This video tip helps you check it quickly and easily.It's important to ensure that you have enough filament for your next print, and making the

  • 08:26 This Shouldn't Happen

    This Shouldn't Happen

    by shub Added 230 Views / 0 Likes

    The Mingda Magician X is an interesting machine. I was sent three, and each one seem to be progressively better than the last. The first was awful, and the second was less awful, and the third? You'll have to see.SUPPORT! ????ETSY! ▶

  • 04:59 The KING OF MONSTERS - 3D Printing Godzilla by Chaos Coretech [SNACK PACK]

    The KING OF MONSTERS - 3D Printing Godzilla by Chaos Coretech [SNACK PACK]

    by shub Added 418 Views / 0 Likes

    Godzilla, the King of Monsters, now modeled by Chaos Coretech for this SNACK PACK! It's an amazing model, and my print of it is STUNNING. Here are the links from the show!MODEL: http://3d

  • 08:50 This is Freaky Cool! 3D Printed Optical Illusion

    This is Freaky Cool! 3D Printed Optical Illusion

    by shub Added 107 Views / 0 Likes

    3D Printing an optical illusion that follows you! Thanks to Elegoo for Sponsoring today's video!Neptune 4 Plus - Neptune 4 Max - PLA Colors - 4 Pro $299 ➜ https://bit

  • Polymaker Weekly Live #027 - What is up with the Bambu Lab X1?

    Polymaker Weekly Live #027 - What is up with the Bambu Lab X1?

    by shub Added 206 Views / 0 Likes

    Welcome to our nerdy 3D printing Polymaker weekly live! We will meet every Thursday night to talk about 3D printing materials! Any questions you have, we are here to talk about it. Feel free to also share your projects on our community: Discord: https://d

  • 08:06 Maker Faire Prague 2019

    Maker Faire Prague 2019

    by shub Added 424 Views / 0 Likes

    A recap from the second Maker Faire Prague - thank you, everyone, who stopped by, we had a blast! Music:Tobu - AmplifiedDeclan DP - JourneyLWR PWR & Peter Kuli - Burnin

  • 1:05:44 AI in 3D Printing - Error Detection, 3D Model Generation, Ethics - PRUSA 3D Printing Podcast

    AI in 3D Printing - Error Detection, 3D Model Generation, Ethics - PRUSA 3D Printing Podcast

    by shub Added 170 Views / 0 Likes

    AI is everywhere now, but are there any real practical uses for it in 3D printing? Are we developing any AI assisted tools? How are creators on Printables using AI to create models? We tackled these and many more questions in our latest Prusa Podcast, now

  • PRINTBUSTERS #002 - The Benchy hull line?

    PRINTBUSTERS #002 - The Benchy hull line?

    by shub Added 206 Views / 0 Likes

    Join our awesome community: Discord: Reddit:



    by shub Added 446 Views / 0 Likes

    The full size Thanos sword from Avengers Endgame is officially one of the largest things I've EVER 3d printed! The Raise3D Pro 2 Plus did a great job, and the Raise3D, Polymaker, Makeshaper, and Colorfabb filaments worked great!The Broken Nerd on YouTubeh

  • 38:23 It Really Squirts!

    It Really Squirts!

    by shub Added 97 Views / 0 Likes

    Zack Finfrock is creating a Fallout Fan Film, which is a great excuse for Bill to finish an old project! Years ago, Bill was working on a Fallout 4 Thirst Zapper that fit a real squirt gun, but the project got shelved. Today the Thirst Zapper gets compete

  • 00:57 Printed Pool Plugs #shorts

    Printed Pool Plugs #shorts

    by shub Added 173 Views / 0 Likes

    Here's how I fixed a pool in a day using some unconventional materials!???????????????????????????????? ????????????????*• Fillamentum ASA filament :*These links are connected to affiliate programs that give me a small commission o

  • 19:21 The Artillery3D Sidewinder X1 3D Printer - A Must Have?

    The Artillery3D Sidewinder X1 3D Printer - A Must Have?

    by shub Added 344 Views / 0 Likes

    Evnovo / Artillery3D has the Sidewinder X1, a large format 3d printer that seems to tick all the right boxes. Great print quality, quiet, easy to setup and use, great support, great community - but, I had a problem...Artillery3D Sidewinder X1 at Amazon:ht
