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3D printing

  • Meet the PolyMAKER!

    Meet the PolyMAKER!

    by shub Added 132 Views / 0 Likes

    Listen in to the second stream of Meet the Polymaker with Nighcore and Dstrbdmedic167. Stay tuned to fund out who our special guest will be!

  • 07:33 3D Printing - Which Process to Choose? (comparing processes)

    3D Printing - Which Process to Choose? (comparing processes)

    by shub Added 329 Views / 0 Likes

    In this video, you’ll learn how to choose the correct 3D printing process for your designs and prints. We’ll discuss and compare the 3D printing processes and clarify when to, or when not to, use that 3D printing process. 00:00 Intro00:19 3 ways to select

  • 11:55 Why you should document your projects.

    Why you should document your projects.

    by shub Added 432 Views / 0 Likes

    If you're making cool things, you should share them to get help and empower others to create even more amazing things in future. In this video I'll explain how I got started, and how you can too... it's really easy and you don't need to spend any money!Su

  • 36:33 Foam Hair, Bub

    Foam Hair, Bub

    by shub Added 113 Views / 0 Likes

    Kristy, The Honest Cosplayer, was kind enough to stop by the shop and show off her awesome Link wig! Not only that, Kristy helps Bill make his own foam wig for Wolverine!Follow Kristy's work! out our Foams

  • 05:15 CNC machining - The one design mistake costing you lots of time and money

    CNC machining - The one design mistake costing you lots of time and money

    by shub Added 301 Views / 0 Likes

    Learn how to avoid sharp corners in your designs for CNC machining. It's the biggest mistake designers make and we'll provide the information you need to design better for CNC machining. Saving you time and money! Hubs is an online manufacturing platform

  • 05:51 Popular 3D Printed Sphericons

    3D Printed Sphericons

    by shub Added 566 Views / 0 Likes

    3D Printing and experimenting with these crazy, mysterious shapes called 'sphericons'. Watch to learn more!Keep an eye out for Make Anything's video next week!Link to THE SPHERICON Kickstarter Campaign - Printable Sphericon Files -

  • 13:36 Top 5 Tips for Making Money With 3D Printing in 2024

    Top 5 Tips for Making Money With 3D Printing in 2024

    by shub Added 117 Views / 0 Likes

    Here are my Top 5 Tips for making more money selling 3D Prints in 2024!A big thank you to Fedex Office for sponsoring this video Make sure to checkout to help figure out your 3D Print Pricing3D Des

  • 11:21 Home vs Z Offset | Resin 3D Printer Buildplate Leveling Explained

    Home vs Z Offset | Resin 3D Printer Buildplate Leveling Explained

    by shub Added 257 Views / 0 Likes

    Explaining the difference between Home and Z-Offset with Resin 3D Printers and Buildplate leveling. Thanks again to Nikko Industries for Sponsoring today's video ➜ Meme STL ➜h

  • 1:44:18 Ketchup with Pooch and Pyro -Powered by Repbox 7/25/2018

    Ketchup with Pooch and Pyro -Powered by Repbox 7/25/2018

    by shub Added 472 Views / 0 Likes

    it's the 7th episode of Community Ketchup!Huge thanks to our sponsor @Repkord featuring the #Repbox is the show links so you can follow along!

  • Let's have a closer look at the PolyDryer™

    Let's have a closer look at the PolyDryer™

    by shub Added 99 Views / 0 Likes

    Join our community:

  • 13:48 PLA - 3D Printing's Biggest Lie.

    PLA - 3D Printing's Biggest Lie.

    by shub Added 251 Views / 0 Likes

    Consider supporting #teamseas to help remove trash from the ocean! used to believe that PLA was an environmentally friendly bioplastic. I was wrong.But, are there any viable alternatives we can use in 3D Printing?Channels Mentioned:



    by shub Added 537 Views / 0 Likes

    I made this video just to give you a peek on my process where I go form an idea to a 3D printable model. This is not a Fusion360 tutorial but an example of a project where I would need to model an idea to be 3D printed where the idea has been substituted

  • 14:14 My HUGE 3D Printed Magneto Statue! PT3

    My HUGE 3D Printed Magneto Statue! PT3

    by shub Added 119 Views / 0 Likes

    Finally finishing the assembly of my HUGE 3D Printed X-Men Magneto Statue! This is Massive!Thanks to Elegoo for Sponsoring today's video!OrangeStorm Giga Kickstarter Campaign

  • 13:06 The Quirky Kywoo3D Tycoon Max - 3D Printer Review

    The Quirky Kywoo3D Tycoon Max - 3D Printer Review

    by shub Added 264 Views / 0 Likes

    The Tycoon Max from new 3D Printer company Kywoo3D is refreshingly different in design, but does it have what it takes to compete?Purchase link - Max Prusaslicer profile - https://www.make



    by shub Added 518 Views / 0 Likes

    Great success this week, I managed to get the lift system working, the two impellers and a demonstration skirt are working perfectly now, and I can keep improving the rest of the things so I can make everything work at once. Thanks for a great 2017!!Have
