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3D printing

  • 29:22 CUSTOM SNAPPLE LABEL! //Fan Mail Friday

    CUSTOM SNAPPLE LABEL! //Fan Mail Friday

    by shub Added 455 Views / 0 Likes

    In this Fan Mail Friday, I get sent some REALLY great stuff along with some incredible letters AND money for Seattle Childrens Hospital. Today, though, Snapple sent something and OH MY GOODNESS.If you want this carried in stores, TELL SNAPPLE:http://www.t

  • 10:03 When your projects FAIL (and why that's a good thing!)

    When your projects FAIL (and why that's a good thing!)

    by shub Added 444 Views / 0 Likes

    I tried to make a centrifugal governed water turbine... but it didn't really work. BUT, I learnt heaps of cool things that I will use in future projects! Watch to find out why having a project fail is not a bad thing.Want to avoid making #3DPrinting mista

  • 15:10 Dremel 3D45 Review // Dremel's Latest 3D Printer

    Dremel 3D45 Review // Dremel's Latest 3D Printer

    by shub Added 379 Views / 0 Likes

    This is the Dremel IdeaBuilder 3D45 3D printer. It has a relatively small 6.7" x 10" x 6" build volume, but it can do a lot in that space! Watch to hear my thoughts and experience from unboxing to today.You can find the 3D45 on Amazon here :

  • 03:53 Popular How does the Multi Material Upgrade 2.0 work?

    How does the Multi Material Upgrade 2.0 work?

    by shub Added 693 Views / 0 Likes

    Multi Material upgrade 2.0 is the second generation of our unique multi-material addon, which enables your 3D printer to print with up to 5 colors at the same time.Now compatible with the Original Prusa i3 MK2.5 and MK3 3D printers, MMU 2.0 went through a

  • 01:45 Popular Original Prusa i3 Multi Material upgrade 2.0 - RELEASE!

    Original Prusa i3 Multi Material upgrade 2.0 - RELEASE!

    by shub Added 764 Views / 0 Likes

    Multi Material upgrade 2.0 is the second generation of our unique multi-material addon, which enables your Original Prusa i3 3D printer to print with up to 5 colors at the same time.Don't forget to check out how the MMU2 works in our video:

  • 03:14 Popular MatterHackers Minute // 3D Printing Star Wars Props

    MatterHackers Minute // 3D Printing Star Wars Props

    by shub Added 507 Views / 0 Likes

    September 2018 Hacker of the Month, Greg Bellows, uses 3D printing in his love for Star Wars and charity work with the 501st Legion! Check it out!See the video and read the article here:

  • 10:45 3D Printing for Wavy Wednesday!

    3D Printing for Wavy Wednesday!

    by shub Added 408 Views / 0 Likes

    CLICK THESE LINKSMagigoo: http://thought3d.comMatterhackers BUILD series filaments (aff) : 3D Printers (aff) : Pasta (aff): (aff): Systems:

  • 00:28 Popular Welcome to Maker's Muse - Trailer

    Welcome to Maker's Muse - Trailer

    by shub Added 528 Views / 0 Likes

    Just a teaser vid! Subscribe - Maker's Muse on Patreon 3D Printing Tips and Tricks - Printing Essentials - https://ww

  • 06:23 How To Troubleshoot Bed Leveling // 3D Printer Guide

    How To Troubleshoot Bed Leveling // 3D Printer Guide

    by shub Added 461 Views / 0 Likes

    Getting the perfect first layer is a hallmark of great 3D printing. If your bed isn't level, it will affect the rest of the print. Get our Pro advice on how to correct unlevel beds and prevent it from happening again!Learn how to troubleshoot the Taz6 and

  • 1:20:31 Unboxing and Assembling Tevo Tornado 2018 Edition

    Unboxing and Assembling Tevo Tornado 2018 Edition

    by shub Added 468 Views / 0 Likes

    Come watch me unbox the Tevo Tornado! Check out the following links for more info regarding Tevo!Buy a TEVO Tornado: Official Store: Tornado Facebook page:

  • 12:54 Easily upgrade the Marlin firmware on your kit 3D printer!

    Easily upgrade the Marlin firmware on your kit 3D printer!

    by shub Added 486 Views / 0 Likes

    Ever wanted to get rid of the buggy or outdated version of the Marlin firmware that shipped with your printer? Just update it to the most current one! I show you how to set up the mainline Marlin firmware on your kit 3D printer using the Arduino software

  • 07:26 Popular Wobblers, Oloids and Steinmetz Solids

    Wobblers, Oloids and Steinmetz Solids

    by shub Added 1,039 Views / 0 Likes

    Fun 3D Printable objects that roll in interesting and unexpected ways! Join me as we explore these curious geometries the Wobbler, Oloid and Steinmetz Solid.3D Print your own with the files here - your own stainless

  • 1:35:10 Unboxing & Setup of the Furlingtech YAN 3D Printer

    Unboxing & Setup of the Furlingtech YAN 3D Printer

    by shub Added 426 Views / 0 Likes

    Help support 3D Printing Nerd! was kind enough to send a YAN printer my way to use on the channel. Tonight my wife and I get it out of the box and see if we cannot get it printing!#3dprinting #furlingtech #y

  • 19:58 Giant Inflatable Shoe! - DotA 2 Power Treads Cosplay

    Giant Inflatable Shoe! - DotA 2 Power Treads Cosplay

    by shub Added 451 Views / 0 Likes

    When Day[9] asks you to make his cosplay dreams come true by building him a Power Treads costume, you say "YES!"Britt patterned out the shoe on a small scale model, then enlarged the patterns on a projector. The inflatable was made from frosted vinyl, whi

  • 11:50 I'M OUT (of here)³

    I'M OUT (of here)³

    by shub Added 420 Views / 0 Likes

    Yesss!! We're moving again! And this time it is a huge leap. We've gone to 100sqm just for ourselves with just a little bit over 6x16 meters. And it has a garage door which means that I'll be able to get out of the shop almost anything I want to build. An

  • 40:06 Turn ANYTHING into a 3x3 Twisty Puzzle - Full Tutorial

    Turn ANYTHING into a 3x3 Twisty Puzzle - Full Tutorial

    by shub Added 456 Views / 0 Likes

    In this full 40min tutorial I'll show you how to use the Anything to 3x3 file to turn any model into a 3D Printed Rubiks Cube style Twisty Puzzle. This is an in-depth look at my workflow when creating these puzzles - you're sure to pick up a few tips!Get
