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3D printing

  • 21:09 Popular Adafruit Neopixels & Arduino Bring My DAFT PUNK Helmet To Life!

    Adafruit Neopixels & Arduino Bring My DAFT PUNK Helmet To Life!

    by shub Added 508 Views / 0 Likes

    Thanks to some Adafruit Neopixels and their Feather 32u4, my Daft Punk helmet LOOKS AWESOME! I learned enough Arduino to make my Neopixels work in a Neomatrix grid!#DaftPunk #Adafruit #ArduinoAdafruit Daft Punk helmet tutorial:

  • 02:47 Popular Tech Breakdown NylonG // Functional 3D Printing with Advanced Materials

    Tech Breakdown NylonG // Functional 3D Printing with Advanced Materials

    by shub Added 508 Views / 0 Likes

    If you're looking for extreme impact resistant parts, with low-warp and a satin smooth finish, check out our newest advanced material - NylonG. An engineering-grade filament that can stand up to a beating! Check it out!Learn more about NylonG here:https:/

  • 24:06 Popular Sea of Thieves PIRATE HATS! - Quick & Cheap EVA Foam Cosplay Tutorial

    Sea of Thieves PIRATE HATS! - Quick & Cheap EVA Foam Cosplay Tutorial

    by shub Added 543 Views / 0 Likes

    Foam pirate hats from Sea of Thieves are quick, fun, and easy to make. Check out this video to see how you too can scour the seas in the best of pirate fashion!Links:Inkscape How to Creat

  • 02:27 What's in David's Mind? // Model Showcase

    What's in David's Mind? // Model Showcase

    by shub Added 352 Views / 0 Likes

    My remix of SMK's 3D scan of the Head of Michelangelo's David. 500 years in the making!Model Download :

  • 22:30 Popular Improving the backyard with Fusion360! (printed on Creality Ender 3)

    Improving the backyard with Fusion360! (printed on Creality Ender 3)

    by shub Added 522 Views / 0 Likes

    The new garden hose is scraping the corner of the wall - time to fix that with a 3D printed part! But not everything goes according to plan...Materials used in the video:Creality Ender-3 Gearbest Prusa i3 MK3https://sho

  • 08:13 I'M GOING TO NEW YORK MAKER FAIRE! #wmfny18


    by shub Added 450 Views / 0 Likes

    Thank to Mosaic, makers of the Palette 2, I'm going to World Maker Faire 2018! Before I land in New York, I'm stopping by the home of Chaos Coretech to visit Garrett and Chelsey! Fat Cat Fab Lab is back Thursday night, and the roof top party at the PARC H



    by shub Added 433 Views / 0 Likes

    This week I completed the second track and finished the three axles of the minitank, lot's of minitasks and too little time but progress has been made. Enjoy!If you want to help this channel you can do it here:Patreon support:

  • 13:10 How to Do That Cool 3D Printing Timelapse Effect // Hacking the Timelapse

    How to Do That Cool 3D Printing Timelapse Effect // Hacking the Timelapse

    by shub Added 449 Views / 0 Likes

    My personal process for taking great 3D printing timelapse videos may be a bit unorthodox, but it works great and definitely doesn't involve burning your hands.Shopping List : Ender 3 3D Printer : (amazon)

  • 19:02 Daft Punk: 3D Printing the Thomas Bangalter Iconic Helmet

    Daft Punk: 3D Printing the Thomas Bangalter Iconic Helmet

    by shub Added 495 Views / 0 Likes

    I've ALWAYS wanted my own Daft Punk helmet. I have an army of 3d printers, and it was time I got experience finishing a print. So, I printed, sanded, primed, and painted THIS COOL DAFT PUNK HELMET! Next up, adding electronics from Adafruit!Here is the Ada

  • 1:21:16 Ketchup with Pooch and Pyro -Powered by 3D Printing Gear's Mondo Box 9/05/2018

    Ketchup with Pooch and Pyro -Powered by 3D Printing Gear's Mondo Box 9/05/2018

    by shub Added 436 Views / 0 Likes

    Now let's KETCHUP!Following along with this episodes links via our google doc: ship something for the Community Ketchup Set:8757 Folsom Auburn Rd #2918Gra

  • 1:24:35 WAS LIVE: Unboxing & Our First Look at Tiertime Cetus mk II 3D Printer

    WAS LIVE: Unboxing & Our First Look at Tiertime Cetus mk II 3D Printer

    by shub Added 447 Views / 0 Likes

    This printer arrived a while back, and I think it's time we get it out of the box and printing! THESE LINKSMagigoo: http://thought3d.comMatterhackers BUILD series filaments

  • 10:57 Popular Bladerunner Blaster Prop Full Build - Prop Making Fan Fiction

    Bladerunner Blaster Prop Full Build - Prop Making Fan Fiction

    by shub Added 668 Views / 0 Likes

    3D Files for This Prop (product goes live on Monday) Runner Blaster RAC Kit Build Nose Blade Runne

  • 16:45 Popular Simple DIY PCB with a 3D Printer

    Simple DIY PCB with a 3D Printer

    by shub Added 558 Views / 0 Likes

    Convert your 3D Printer into a light duty CNC mill! Here I show engraving, drilling and cutting single sided copper clad board to make a PCB with a Dremel style rotary tool attached to my HyperCube 3D Printer.______________________________________________

  • 23:34 3D Printing with Metal Composites and adding a Patina and Oxidation!

    3D Printing with Metal Composites and adding a Patina and Oxidation!

    by shub Added 452 Views / 0 Likes

    There are some good ways to get 3d printed models the way you want them. You can print with multiple types of filament and/or multiple colors, and you can sand, prime, and paint. HOWEVER, have you thought about adding a patina?#3dprinting #patina #oxidati

  • 13:53 How to hide geometry within .stl files for 3D Printing

    How to hide geometry within .stl files for 3D Printing

    by shub Added 466 Views / 0 Likes

    In this video I'lls how you three examples of hiding or obscuring geometry within an .stl file for 3D Printing. You can do this to create secret models, easter eggs and play a joke on fellow 3D Printing enthusiasts!I do not support nor endorse the use of



    by shub Added 462 Views / 0 Likes

    This week I'm taking a few steps back on the tank design so I can fix the flaws that we've already discovered in the last version. I see the irony on going mini after moving to a bigger workshop but bear with me, this is going somewhere.If you want to hel
