3D printing
This NEW Filament Prints AMAZING using DEFAULT SETTINGS!
Added 395 Views / 0 LikesThis new filament from Spidermaker prints AMAZING. I have their black PLA on the Creality CR-6 SE and the models looks crazy good. It's all DEFAULT SETTINGS in the slicer!Sponsored by PCBWay - head to PCBWay for your PCB needs!https://www.pcbway.comSpider
00:42 New
This new Red dragon zoetrope spinner is ready to make fire in your hand. #animation #dragon
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This One's for You - Dragon Con 2024
Added 67 Views / 0 LikesThis is a love letter to all of the amazing friends we see at Dragon Con. It's because of your kindness, generosity, and creativity that we love coming back to Atlanta every single year.Music from https://www.epidemicsound.com/For You - Victor LundbergHig
This print is quick *and* useful! ????????
Added 110 Views / 0 LikesEZPZ Keyring 1" on Thangs : https://than.gs/m/989684➠ Join Team Make Anything on Patreon : https://patreon.com/makeanything➠ Join the Make Anything Discord server : https://discord.gg/GVWnpUd➠ My 3D Printing files on Thangs : https://bit.ly/MakeAnythang
This Print Shoots Candy THROUGH THE AIR
Added 315 Views / 0 LikesSocially Distant Trick-or-Treat! The first 1000 people to use this link will get a 2 month free trial of Skillshare Premium Membership: https://skl.sh/3dprintingnerd10201#pbclauncher #3dprinting #trickortreat2020An idea turned into a real life candy shoot
THIS Print Will Keep Your Bag of Chips Closed (Chip Clip!)
Added 494 Views / 0 LikesLots of time spent at home now, and with that means more sandwiches, and more CHIPS! I love chips, so tasty. We needed a better solution to closing the chip bags, and my daughter Sydney helps me demonstrate this GENIUS design for a print-in-place cam that
This printer is great for some people - but probably not for you!
Added 244 Views / 0 LikesUse my link https://bit.ly/ThomasSanladerer3DCFeb22 and check out the first chapter of any DataCamp course for FREE to unlock new career opportunities and become data fluent today!The Formlabs Form 3+ is a marvelous machine, but it only excels in the one
This printer is OLD. Why is it still my favorite?
Added 207 Views / 0 LikesThe Prusa MK3 is coming up on turning half a decade old - and it shows. So why do I keep using them?Thanks to Private Internet Access for sponsoring this video! ➡️ https://piavpn.com/Toms3DRelevant products:The MK3 (of course) http://go.toms3d.org/PrusaPr
This printer is OLD. Why is still my favorite one?
Added 190 Views / 0 LikesThe Prusa MK3 is coming up on turning half a decade old - and it shows. So why do I keep using them?Thanks to Private Internet Access for sponsoring this video! ➡️ https://piavpn.com/Toms3DRelevant products:The MK3 (of course) http://go.toms3d.org/PrusaPr
This random color spider spinner makes my eyes bug out. #mesmerizing #animation #spider
Added 85 Views / 0 Likes -
Added 115 Views / 0 LikesThis is the ISS Mimic, a wonderful project showcasing 3d printing and the International Space Station and getting people excited about space.GO TO THEIR WEBSITE ▶ https://www.issmimic.spaceSUPPORT! ????ETSY! ▶ https://www.etsy.com/shop/3DPrintingNerdMERCH
This Resin 3D Printer is Bulletproof! Epax X1 Review MSLA
Added 397 Views / 0 LikesThe EPAX X1 is a small resin 3D Printer with a sheet metal chassis and comes levelled from factory - but is it the 3D Printer for you?Purchase Links:Amazon - https://amzn.to/34aI9MMDirect - https://epax3d.com/products/epax-printerNew to resin 3D Printing
This Rizzard needs an earring
Added 51 Views / 0 LikesBill made Gale's earring from Baldur's Gate 3! Don't have your ears pierced? Fear not! Buy clip-on earrings that can be adjusted for comfort! This earring is 3D printed in resin and painted with a silver lacquer.Download Gale Accessories under the Props s
This shape changes depending on which angle you look at it
Added 58 Views / 0 LikesJoin the Maker's Muse Community - https://www.makersmuse.com/maker-s-muse-community3D Printing Quick Start Guide - https://www.makersmuse.com/fdm-fff-3d-printing-quick-start-guide3D Printer Buyers Guide - https://www.makersmuse.com/purchasing-your-first-3
This Shouldn't Happen
Added 230 Views / 0 LikesThe Mingda Magician X is an interesting machine. I was sent three, and each one seem to be progressively better than the last. The first was awful, and the second was less awful, and the third? You'll have to see.SUPPORT! ????ETSY! ▶ https://www.etsy.com/