3D printing
3DPI.TV interview with Harris Kenny from Aleph Objects
Added 427 Views / 0 LikesAt the recent Inside 3D Printing Conference in Santa Clara, 3DPI.TV met up with Harris Kenny, the communications manager at Aleph Objects, the company that brought us the Lulzbot 3D Printer. We talked about the company and their latest 3D Printer, Lulzbot
3DPI.TV Interview with Wayne King from LLNL
Added 459 Views / 0 LikesAt the recent Inside 3D Printing Conference in Santa Clara, 3DPI.TV met up with Wayne King, the Director of the Accelerated Certification of Additively Manufactured Metals Initiative at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).
3DPI.TV Interview with Rich Stump from FATHOM
Added 411 Views / 0 LikesRich Stump, the principal at Studio FATHOM recently spoke at the Inside 3D Printing Conference in Santa Clara on how 3D Printing is accelerating and changing the way we design and manufacture. We met up with Rich at the conference to talk about FATHOM's 3
3DPI.TV Interview with Nora Toure from Sculpteo
Added 432 Views / 0 LikesAt the recent Inside 3D Printing Conference in Santa Clara, 3DPI.TV met up with Nora Toure, the US sales manager for Sculpteo. We talked about Sculpteo's online services and possible future developments.
03:30 Popular
3DPI.TV Interview with Daniel Faber from Deep Space Industries
Added 743 Views / 0 LikesDaniel Faber, the CEO of Deep Space Industries Inc.recently spoke at the Inside 3D Printing Conference in Santa Clara on bringing sustainable free enterprise to the space frontier. We met up with Daniel at the conference to talk about Deep Space Industrie
3DPI.TV Interview with Shamil Hargovan from Wiivv
Added 437 Views / 0 LikesWe talked with the winner of the Inside 3D Printing Startup competition, Shamil Hargovan, the Co-Founder at Wiivv Wearables Company. Shamil actually met the other co-founder at another Inside 3D Printing conference, and now they're working together on 3d
3DPI.TV Interview with Wim Michiels from Materialise
Added 485 Views / 0 LikesWim Michiels, CEO for Materialise Malaysia recently spoke at the Inside 3D Printing Conference in Shanghai about the building blocks of a successful 3D Printing ecosystem. We met up with Wim at the conference to talk about Materialise and its position in
3DPI.TV Interview with Harry Kleijnen from Philips Healthcare
Added 438 Views / 0 LikesHarry Kleijnen, Manager of Development Grids for Philips Healthcare recently spoke at the Inside 3D Printing Conference in Shanghai. We met up with Harre at the conference to talk about Philips Healthcare and the state of 3D Printing industry in China.
Appaloza 3D Printing E-Commerce Marketplace
Added 377 Views / 0 LikesRead more: http://3dprintingindustry.com/2014/08/31/3d-pioneer-systems-launches-appaloza-dev-kit-allowing-game-3d-printable-purchases/Video Transcript: The Appaloza API kit connects to an e-commerce marketplace that allows 3D designers to sell models on a
3D Printed Custom Splints
Added 460 Views / 0 LikesRead more: http://3dprintingindustry.com/2014/07/03/3d-printed-custom-splints-ease-pain-arthritis/Video transcript: For the many sufferers of Rheumatoid arthritis, a new type of 3D printed splint has been designed that is intended to provide far greater s
Case Study On Practical 3D Printing
Added 466 Views / 0 LikesRead more: http://3dprintingindustry.com/2014/05/14/3d-printing-piping/Video Transcript: Maya Ben David, a designer from Israel has come up with a 3D printing application that is less about the visual in the context of the home. This application is about
3D Printed Organ Evolution Continues
Added 475 Views / 0 LikesRead more: http://3dprintingindustry.com/2014/08/04/3d-printed-organ-evolution-continues-bioassemblybot/Video Transcript: Consumer 3D printing and bioprinting are growing at an incredible rate in terms of innovation and enthusiasm. Although fully function
01:39 Popular
3D Printed Plastic Bump Key
Added 582 Views / 0 LikesRead more: http://3dprintingindustry.com/2014/08/28/3d-printed-skeleton-key-software-open-pin-tumbler-lock/Video Transcript: It’s been proven that 3D printing can be used to create 3D printed key duplicates, but a more universal key generator had yet to b
Interview with Autodesk CTO Jeff Kowalski
Added 451 Views / 0 LikesJeff Kowalski, the Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for Autodesk gave the opening Keynote Speech the Inside 3D Printing Conference in Santa Clara. We sat down with Jeff to talk about Spark, Autodesk's free and open 3D printing software p
3D Printed Selfies with Just One Photo
Added 493 Views / 0 LikesRead more: http://3dprintingindustry.com/2014/10/28/full-color-3d-printed-selfies-one-photo/Video Transcript: A new startup, Ustatue, is offering an easy-to-use service to create quick 3D printed selfie statues and bobbleheads, using only a single, high q
Hello Kitty Celebrates With MakerBot
Added 399 Views / 0 LikesRead more: http://3dprintingindustry.com/2014/11/04/hello-kitty-40-makerbot/Video Transcript: Hello Kitty is 40! As the media reflects on the prominence of arguably the world’s most famous cat in light of her four decades of fame, MakerBot is bringing the