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3D printing

  • 07:46 Popular Things you should know about PETG

    Things you should know about PETG

    by shub Added 596 Views / 0 Likes

    The do-it-all 3D printing filament: PETG! Learn what the differences are between Copolyester and PET and how to best print the materials.Thank you to Aprintapro for sponsoring the series! Check out their filaments here:

  • 07:45 Popular Things you should know about PLA

    Things you should know about PLA

    by shub Added 508 Views / 0 Likes

    Everyone can print PLA, it's super easy, right? Well, only because everyone else is printing it, too! PLA comes with its own set of pitfalls, but it can be incredibly rewarding to get it right.Thank you to Aprintapro for sponsoring the series! Check out t

  • 11:51 Things you should know about your filaments

    Things you should know about your filaments

    by shub Added 485 Views / 0 Likes

    Filament misconceptions, filament basics knowledge, call this one whatever you want (as long as you don't call it a vlog)! But this video is jam-packed with info on how to pick a filament and what you should be looking for!Thank you to Aprintapro for spon

  • 14:06 Think resin 3D printers are slow? Think again.

    Think resin 3D printers are slow? Think again.

    by shub Added 326 Views / 0 Likes

    Thanks to Siraya Tech for sponsoring this video! Check out their resins on Amazon or from Siraya Tech directly at Prusa SL1S is the updated version of their excellent SL1 resin printer - a

  • 00:36 This #3DPrinter is VERY unique

    This #3DPrinter is VERY unique

    by shub Added 65 Views / 0 Likes

    Full review soon. Subscribe for more!Join the Maker's Muse Community -

  • 07:13 This $160 3D Printer Doesn't Exist // Elegoo Neptune 2 Review

    This $160 3D Printer Doesn't Exist // Elegoo Neptune 2 Review

    by shub Added 346 Views / 0 Likes

    The Elegoo Neptune 2 3d printer is inexpensive and VERY HARD TO FIND.Sponsored by Unbounce: 20% off your first 3 months with code "3dprintednerd" Neptune 2:Amazon: https://www.elegoo

  • 09:13 This 3D Print Shoots Cheese Balls

    This 3D Print Shoots Cheese Balls

    by shub Added 278 Views / 0 Likes

    The Tic Tac Gun, but it fires CHEESE BALLSFROM THE EPISODE:Tic Tac Gun Rubber Band Edition▶ Tacs ▶ ▶ Vyper 3D Printer ▶

  • 06:16 This 3D Printed Puzzle is ALMOST impossible. Fusion Overload

    This 3D Printed Puzzle is ALMOST impossible. Fusion Overload

    by shub Added 371 Views / 0 Likes

    Well here it is... my most diabolical print-in-place puzzle yet for you to 3D Print and solve! Can you defeat the Fusion Overload Puzzle???Get the model - if your 3D Printer can reproduce th

  • 18:45 This 3D printer can use ANY components - ultimate machine for parts testing!

    This 3D printer can use ANY components - ultimate machine for parts testing!

    by shub Added 313 Views / 0 Likes

    The first 1000 people who click the link will get 2 free months of Skillshare Premium: want to get back to testing individual 3D printer components - hotends, mainboards, heated bed adhesives… but how do I go about it withou

  • 15:23 This 3D Printer is a Juggernaut - 6 Month Review Update

    This 3D Printer is a Juggernaut - 6 Month Review Update

    by shub Added 134 Views / 0 Likes

    The Bambu Lab X1 Carbon is an absolute beast of a 3D Printer - here is my 6-month review update with 1,500 hours of 3D Printing with it Want to print that amazing Magneto Helmet designed by Wicked 3D? Checkout my Patreon to get access to the file!https://

  • 00:56 This 3D Printer is about to shake things up!

    This 3D Printer is about to shake things up!

    by shub Added 93 Views / 0 Likes

  • 17:54 This 3D Printer is RIDICULOUSLY Smart - Craftbot FLOW IDEX XL Review

    This 3D Printer is RIDICULOUSLY Smart - Craftbot FLOW IDEX XL Review

    by shub Added 374 Views / 0 Likes

    This huge 3D Printer is one of the smartest I've ever reviewed - but can it live up to expectations and justify its high price tag?Craftbot FLOW series purchase links (non affiliate)US - - - https://fu

  • 14:57 This 3D Printer looks incredible, but...

    This 3D Printer looks incredible, but...

    by shub Added 198 Views / 0 Likes

    KICKSTARTER IS NOT A STORE. BACK AT YOUR OWN RISK.AnkerMake M5 campaign - Uncle Jessy - Circuit - Interview - M

  • 08:50 This 3D Printer looks like a TRUCK. CR-100 Review

    This 3D Printer looks like a TRUCK. CR-100 Review

    by shub Added 389 Views / 0 Likes

    Should you buy your child a 3D Printer as a toy? Probably not. In this video we'll check out the CR-100 as well as previous attempts at making a child-friendly 3D Printer - and why I think they all fell short of the goal.Naomi's CR-100 Review - https://yo

  • 10:32 This 3D Printer Raised $1,438,765 and Failed.

    This 3D Printer Raised $1,438,765 and Failed.

    by shub Added 409 Views / 0 Likes

    The Pirate3D Buccaneer was one of the hottest Kickstarter campaigns of 2013 raising almost $1.5 million dollars. Unfortunately, it failed. This video is my thoughts around the perils of crowdfunded hardware campaigns, and how you can protect yourself from

  • 09:37 Popular This 3D Printing Watermark can't be removed.

    This 3D Printing Watermark can't be removed.

    by shub Added 594 Views / 0 Likes

    Watermark3D promises to secretly watermark any .stl file without affecting geometry... but does it work, and can it be defeated?Check it out - video was not sponsored in any way. Treatstock were kind enough to reach out ab
