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3D printing

  • 16:12 3D Printed Giant Magnetic Torque Limiter - Marble Clock Seconds Display Pt.8

    3D Printed Giant Magnetic Torque Limiter - Marble Clock Seconds Display Pt.8

    by shub Added 38 Views / 0 Likes

    Engineers get Onshape Professional Free up to 6 Months: an unexpected (but completely expected) issue, the elevator can get stuck when unloading more than one marble. It shouldn't happen when running but on the first run

  • 10:09 3D Printed Googly Eyes (make everything better)

    3D Printed Googly Eyes (make everything better)

    by shub Added 476 Views / 0 Likes

    I wanted to 3D print some next level googly eyes, but I also knew that the traditional approach wasn't ideal for my fancy 3D printers. Here's what I came up with!STL files : List : Matterhackers PLA Filament : http://bi

  • 00:59 3D Printed Guitar | 3D Printing Ideas

    3D Printed Guitar | 3D Printing Ideas

    by shub Added 153 Views / 0 Likes

    Have you ever wondered how a 3D-printed guitar would sound? ???? You can find it on your own by printing The Prusacaster - a 3D printable guitar by Mikolas Zuza. ????????

  • 02:58 3D Printed Gun from Japan

    3D Printed Gun from Japan

    by shub Added 365 Views / 0 Likes

    Read more: transcript: Why do we — as a global society — have such a morbid fascination with guns? Now there is another one to talk about — the Zig Zag revolver. It's a not th

  • 04:25 3D Printed Helmet Stand | Perfect for your replica props and cosplay

    3D Printed Helmet Stand | Perfect for your replica props and cosplay

    by shub Added 455 Views / 0 Likes

    3D Printing a Helmet Stand for my Marvel Legends Iron Man MK3 HelmetIron Man Replica Prop Helmet Stand by SentinelProps➜ Legendary Series Iron Man Replica Prop by Hasb

  • 00:17 3D printed illusion coasters

    3D printed illusion coasters

    by shub Added 25 Views / 0 Likes

    I made some art coasters/tiles that kind of mess with your head... and this is an over-edited promo ???????????????? ???????????????????? on Thangs :➠ Join Team Make Anything on Patreon :

  • 01:17 Popular 3D Printed Jet Engine Model - 3D Hubs x JetX

    3D Printed Jet Engine Model - 3D Hubs x JetX

    by shub Added 750 Views / 0 Likes

    Read the full story here:» 3D Hubs is the worlds largest network of manufacturing services: | Instagram: | Talk: http://bit

  • 00:58 3D printed knife sharpeners? #3dprinted

    3D printed knife sharpeners? #3dprinted

    by shub Added 16 Views / 0 Likes

    Fixtures:CNC Kitchen v2.1 (based on Henschke )Bas v3 No

  • 01:52 3D Printed Longboard Trucks with PolyDryer

    3D Printed Longboard Trucks with PolyDryer

    by shub Added 224 Views / 0 Likes

    Revive your wet filaments with PolyDryer™ and start your next project today. PolyDryer™ is a modular filament drying and storage solution, efficiently drying your spools and storing them in an airtight container. The modular system means you only need one

  • 14:14 3D Printed Mass Spectrometry, Carbon Fiber Print Head and Open Bambu

    3D Printed Mass Spectrometry, Carbon Fiber Print Head and Open Bambu

    by shub Added 107 Views / 0 Likes

    Researchers at MIT have developed 3D printed quadrupoles. These devices are usually complex and expensive to manufacture out of stainless steel. The team 3D printed them on a Bison 1000 DLP printer by Tethon3D and used Universal Vitrolite resin.A 1.1 mill

  • 01:00 Popular 3D Printed Medical Face Shield (RC1) - Assembly Guide

    3D Printed Medical Face Shield (RC1) - Assembly Guide

    by shub Added 516 Views / 0 Likes

    More info: prototype face shield that we developed. In three days, we went through dozens of prototypes and two verifications with the Czech Ministry of Heal

  • 01:00 3D Printed METAL HAMMER! #3dprinting #3dprintingnerd

    3D Printed METAL HAMMER! #3dprinting #3dprintingnerd

    by shub Added 162 Views / 0 Likes

    SUPPORT! ????ETSY! ▶! ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶

  • 00:46 3D Printed METAL Lightsaber is COOL @pcbway

    3D Printed METAL Lightsaber is COOL @pcbway

    by shub Added 49 Views / 0 Likes

    @pcbway did the printing and it's SO GOOD

  • 10:29 3D Printed Molds for Casting 3D Prints!

    3D Printed Molds for Casting 3D Prints!

    by shub Added 150 Views / 0 Likes

    Let's see if we can make our own 3D Printed Mold Boxes that we can pour silicone into for casting or melting 3D Prints!Silicone Skull Molds - to Elegoo for Sponsoring today's video!Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro ➜

  • 1:15:54 3D printed movie puppets, New Prusa Merch, Contest winners, PrusaSlicer 2.4 beta - PRUSA LIVE #34

    3D printed movie puppets, New Prusa Merch, Contest winners, PrusaSlicer 2.4 beta - PRUSA LIVE #34

    by shub Added 301 Views / 0 Likes

    We'll be joined by the creators of the wonderful animated movie "Even Mice Belong in Heaven". So far the movie is enjoying great reviews and we are very proud to play a certain role in its creation. Namely, we are talking about a trio of the Original Prus

  • 01:55 3D printed museum stands for visitors with sight loss wins TCT Creative Application Award

    3D printed museum stands for visitors with sight loss wins TCT Creative Application Award

    by shub Added 94 Views / 0 Likes

    The film, theatre, art, architecture and jewellery industries all have one thing in common – they take a creative vision and turn it into a physical realisation.TCT Creative Application Award - Sponsored by Massivit was awarded to Lancaster University alo
