3D printing
3D Printed Action Figures!!
Added 196 Views / 0 LikesThis is officially a dream project come true. Attempting to 3D Print articulating action figures + Resin Stacking! Thanks to Elegoo for Sponsoring today's video ➜Elegoo Saturn ➜ https://geni.us/ABTdtjmElegoo Mars 3 ➜ https://amzn.to/3CQqkTNElegoo Mercury
12:25 Popular
Added 554 Views / 0 LikesThis week I've made a 3D printed air cannon, which of course will be the cannon that we'll mount on the tank. This is just the proof of concept, there are still a few parts missing, like the ball feeder so when we hit fire, we have the certainty that a ki
3D printed animatronic puppets: Even Mice Belong in Heaven
Added 229 Views / 0 LikesEarlier this year, a new family animated feature film Myši patří do nebe (Even Mice Belong in Heaven) debuted at the international movie festivals. The movie was created by the Czech company Fresh Films. So far the movie is enjoying favorable reviews and
3D Printed Auxetic Metamaterials Show Improved Vibration Dampening in Car Seats
Added 174 Views / 0 LikesIn the paper Additive Manufacturing of Composite Foam Metamaterial Springs authors Ali Zolfagharian, Peter Pricken, Bernard Rolfe, Mahdi Bodaghi and Mohammad Fard use Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing with polyurethane components on a Material Extrusion
3D PRINTED BANANA BOWL! #3dprinting #3dprintingnerd
Added 62 Views / 0 Likes3D Printing Nerd Studios POWERED by PCBWay8% off using code 3DPN ▶ https://3d.pn/pcbwayREDEEM COUPON HERE ▶ https://member.pcbway.com/Member/couponsMERCH! ▶ https://the3dprintingnerd.com/merchPatreon ▶ https://3d.pn/patreonFloatPlane ▶ https://www.floatpl
3D Printed Basketball BOUNCES!
Added 120 Views / 0 LikesGo to RAPID for free!https://rapid3devent.comUse code 3DPN
3D Printed Black Mask Replica Prop Batman / Birds of Prey - Graft Milk Matte PLA
Added 426 Views / 0 LikesOne awesome Black Mask replica prop by Villainous Props printed in Graft Milk Filament. Such a simple project for an easy Cosplay. Black Mask was most recently represented by Ewan Mcgregor in the Harley Quinn Birds of Prey Movie. Black Mask by Villainous
01:10 Popular
3D Printed Brace Helps Sea Turtle Survive and Thrive
Added 552 Views / 0 LikesBirch Aquarium teamed up with the UC San Diego Library’s Digital Media Lab to 3D print a brace for its Loggerhead Sea Turtle. Read more at 3DPrint.com: http://3dprint.com/196851/sea-turtle-3d-printed-brace/Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanogr
3D Printed Bridge Placed in Centre Amsterdam
Added 238 Views / 0 Likes3D printed bridge placed in the centre of Amsterdam. The bridge is printed in steel and is the first of its kind in the world. The 3D printed object will stay at this location for 2 years while the old bridge is being prepared. The 3D printed bridge was d
Added 410 Views / 0 LikesInstall Raid for Free ✅ IOS: https://clik.cc/ZPKFE ✅ ANDROID: https://clik.cc/XhJqM Start with ???? 50K silver and get a Free Epic Champion ???? on day 7 of “New Player Rewards” programIn this episode I assembled and installed the top half of the tank, I
3D Printed Cloud WITH LED LIGHTS! // Fan Mail Friday
Added 321 Views / 0 LikesThe 3d printed cloud is from FLA Labs and it's AWESOME. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRprx587NLwFUN KING GARAGE? Here!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwJRvqiocowAAlKzJiPlyLgWant to Help Support Us?Patreon: http://3d.pn/patreonFloatp
11:46 Popular
Added 690 Views / 0 LikesGet 10% off your first Squarespace website or domain at http://www.squarespace.com/ivanThis week I did a few retouches and swapped that failed print from last week. Now this thing moves, it took me longer than expected but I learned that sleep is required
Added 453 Views / 0 LikesIt works! The 3D Printed CNC MkII is finished and it works beautifully. I made a test cut for an HTD5M 100 tooth gear in less than 45 minutes in 6mm aluminium plate and it was perfect!! Imagine what can we do with this!!! Incredibly I did not break a sing