3D Engines
Game engines are tools available for game designers to code and plan out a game quickly and easily without building one from the ground up. Whether they are 2D or 3D based, they offer tools to aid in asset creation and placement.
Please look here to a list of potential 3 Engines existing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_game_engines
Virtus Game Jam 2022 Announcement
Added 180 Views / 0 Likeshttps://www.virtushub.com/p/gamejam2022♥ Join the Virtus Discord: https://www.discord.gg/virtushubVirtus Creative Hub // Media● Website - https://www.virtushub.com● Facebook Page - http://www.facebook.com/virtushub● Twitter Page - https://www.twitter.com/
Virtus Game Jam 2022 Official Theme Announcement!
Added 171 Views / 0 LikesSubmit your game now! https://www.virtushub.com/p/gamejam2022Collaborate with others on our Discord: https://www.discord.gg/virtushubVirtus Creative Hub // Media● Website - https://www.virtushub.com● Facebook Page - http://www.facebook.com/virtushub● Twit
Virtus Winter 2018 Game Jam Announcement
Added 456 Views / 0 LikesWe're just 3 weeks from kicking off our winter Virtus Jam... A relaxed competition in which our community build a game in 3 weeks based around a set theme. Learn new skills and win awesome prizes put forward by our awesome sponsors for the game jam! Game
14:35 Popular
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Warehouse Pack | Get it on @Fab
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Weapon HITS | Unreal Engine 5 First Person Shooter (FPS) Beginner Tutorial | #4
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