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3D Engines

Game engines are tools available for game designers to code and plan out a game quickly and easily without building one from the ground up. Whether they are 2D or 3D based, they offer tools to aid in asset creation and placement.

Please look here to a list of potential 3 Engines existing

  • 01:19 VIDEO GAME DEVELOPMENT - Get Started Today!

    VIDEO GAME DEVELOPMENT - Get Started Today!

    by shub Added 463 Views / 0 Likes

    Want to learn game development and not sure where to start? Checkout one of our many FREE courses to learn step by step how you can become a video game developer!We cover all subjects including:ProgrammingGame Engines3D ModellingGraphic DesignAnimation► D

  • 10:22 Project Setup - #1 Unreal Engine 4 Steam Multiplayer Essentials

    Project Setup - #1 Unreal Engine 4 Steam Multiplayer Essentials

    by shub Added 418 Views / 0 Likes

    Hey there DevSquad, today we setup our project to work with steam multiplayer, setting up visual studio, the advanced sessions plugin along with integrating the steam API into our Unreal Engine 4 project.At the end of this video we'll be ready to start wo

  • 21:47 Unwrapping The Base #4 - 3DS Max Modelling Tutorial Course

    Unwrapping The Base #4 - 3DS Max Modelling Tutorial Course

    by shub Added 404 Views / 0 Likes

    Hey there DevSquad, in this episode we take a look an introduction to unwrapping and it's use in having our lamp model bieng textured.We cover a detailed look into the unwrapping concept and begin to unwrap the base.Instructor Partner: Manuel Rondonhttps:

  • 09:16 Create a Post-Apocalyptic Road in UE4

    Create a Post-Apocalyptic Road in UE4

    by shub Added 389 Views / 0 Likes

    Tune in for an extensive breakdown on Wednesday August 23rd at 7PM CET: out Megascans, Bridge and Mixer for Free: this breakdown, Quixel's Josh Powers creates a stunning post-apocalypt

  • 11:15 Creating World of Warcraft in UE4

    Creating World of Warcraft in UE4

    by shub Added 324 Views / 0 Likes

    Livestream: this video, Quixel’s Wiktor Öhman gives an in-depth look into the thought process behind his WoW’s Ogrimmar homage.We’ll be hosting a live 2 hour breakdown that’ll go into this scene extensively, so don’t forget

  • 10:03 Old Mansion  (Unreal Engine 4)

    Old Mansion (Unreal Engine 4)

    by shub Added 470 Views / 0 Likes

    Instant Gaming:

  • 15:03 Speed Modeling | Sony Walkman A50 | Blender 2.8

    Speed Modeling | Sony Walkman A50 | Blender 2.8

    by shub Added 392 Views / 0 Likes

    Sony Walkman: Listening to music with style since 1978.I got the idea from a photo of Kojima's Walkman that i saw on his Twitter profile.Modeled in Blender, textured in Substance Painter, rendered with Cycles and color correction in Affinity Photo._______

  • 07:36 Create an abandoned apartment in UE4: Set dressing

    Create an abandoned apartment in UE4: Set dressing

    by shub Added 433 Views / 0 Likes

    In this second video of a three-part series, Quixel's Isac Crafoord walks us through his set dressing process for this abandoned apartment using Megascans, Bridge and Mixer.Follow along using the free ready-made environment on the Unreal Engine Marketplac

  • 09:37 Blender 2.8 Tutorial | Modeling for Beginners - Lava Lamp #2 | UV Mapping Phase

    Blender 2.8 Tutorial | Modeling for Beginners - Lava Lamp #2 | UV Mapping Phase

    by shub Added 396 Views / 0 Likes

    "Modeling for Beginners" is a step by step series aimed at beginners and intermediate level artists that want to improve their modeling workflow.It is divided in 2 phases: The modeling phase and the UV Mapping phase.In this video we'll UV map our lava lam

  • 04:34 Scaling UV islands outside 01 space | Why and When to do it

    Scaling UV islands outside 01 space | Why and When to do it

    by shub Added 314 Views / 0 Likes

    Let's talk about scaling UV islands outside the 0-1 space, why you should do it and when.___________________________________________Follow me on Twitter ➤ out my works on ArtStation ➤

  • 05:48 What's new in Megascans and Bridge? November 2020.

    What's new in Megascans and Bridge? November 2020.

    by shub Added 282 Views / 0 Likes

    Get acquainted with some of our brand new collections in the Megascans library, including Wetland, Mine, Modular Interior and Graffiti. Take a walk through Bridge 2020.4, which simplifies and improves the asset preview panel, how you download and export,

  • 00:14 MAWI Conifer Forest Biome | CineTest

    MAWI Conifer Forest Biome | CineTest

    by shub Added 261 Views / 0 Likes

    Testing the new Movie Render Queue in UE4.26.1 with the just released Conifer Forest Biome 4.0MAWI Store Page:

  • 01:00 MAWI Game (ASH) | Ghost Test WIP 0004

    MAWI Game (ASH) | Ghost Test WIP 0004

    by shub Added 265 Views / 0 Likes

    Testing my ghost blueprints.MAWI Store Page:

  • 02:22 Tips & Tricks for Blender 2.9 | Creating Cables from Edges

    Tips & Tricks for Blender 2.9 | Creating Cables from Edges

    by shub Added 286 Views / 0 Likes

    How to quickly create cables or tubes from existing edges of a mesh.___________________________________________Follow me on Twitter ➤ out my works on ArtStation ➤ out

  • 01:14 MAWI New Unreal Engine Wind System

    MAWI New Unreal Engine Wind System

    by shub Added 263 Views / 0 Likes

    Quick look at the new wind system coming with the next Broadleaf Forest Biome update.BlackFridaySale: Make sure to grab our packs at up to 70% off until Dec 3rd 2021!!

  • 05:17 Tips & Tricks for Blender 3.1 | How to use the Denoiser

    Tips & Tricks for Blender 3.1 | How to use the Denoiser

    by shub Added 256 Views / 0 Likes

    How to use the denoiser at both render time and during the compositing stage.Timestamp:0:00 Intro0:14 Using the denoiser at render time & explanation of the parameters2:11 Using the denoiser with the compositor___________________________________________Fo
