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3D Engines

Game engines are tools available for game designers to code and plan out a game quickly and easily without building one from the ground up. Whether they are 2D or 3D based, they offer tools to aid in asset creation and placement.

Please look here to a list of potential 3 Engines existing

  • 00:09 UE5 - Wow!Nature - WIP - Character Cave Lighting Rig Test #unrealengine #UE5 #gamedev

    UE5 - Wow!Nature - WIP - Character Cave Lighting Rig Test #unrealengine #UE5 #gamedev

    by shub Added 110 Views / 0 Likes

    Testing the new character model inside the cave with a custom lighting rig.#unrealengine #UE5 #gamedevelopment #gamedev #realtime #games #nextgen #epicgames #unrealengine5

  • 01:25 UE5 - Wow!Nature - WIP - Animal AI Flee Test #unrealengine #UE5 #gamedev

    UE5 - Wow!Nature - WIP - Animal AI Flee Test #unrealengine #UE5 #gamedev

    by shub Added 101 Views / 0 Likes

    The animals class can now feel from any actor in this case the player when he gets within 10 meter radius to the deer. The leading deer starts to feel already at 15 meters. Also implemented a new follow lead logic that correct the motion path more often i

  • 00:36 UE5 - Wow!Nature - WIP - Animal AI Free Roam & Bounds Test #unrealengine #UE5 #gamedev

    UE5 - Wow!Nature - WIP - Animal AI Free Roam & Bounds Test #unrealengine #UE5 #gamedev

    by shub Added 94 Views / 0 Likes

    Implemented some free roaming including wandering around for all animals even in groups. They can follow a leading animal, the player or random locations either in fixed bounds or freely. The leading animals will always focus the players face when you get

  • 00:13 Wooden Stool | Megascans

    Wooden Stool | Megascans

    by shub Added 102 Views / 0 Likes

    Life can be simple and beautiful. Like this little Wooden Stool. ????Available in the #Megascans library.Thousands of photorealistic 3D scanned assets available directly inside Unreal Engine, Twinmotion & #Quixel Bridge....#UnrealEngine #Photogrammetry

  • 02:02 UE5 - Wow!Nature - WIP - Animal AI Root Motion & Idle Testing #unrealengine #UE5 #gamedev

    UE5 - Wow!Nature - WIP - Animal AI Root Motion & Idle Testing #unrealengine #UE5 #gamedev

    by shub Added 97 Views / 0 Likes

    Redoing the animal AI using root motion, loco motion for movement and new behavior trees. Testing the gray wolf motion follow and idle logic as well as look at constrains.#unrealengine #UE5 #gamedevelopment #gamedev #realtime #games #nextgen #epicgames #u

  • 03:44 UE5 - Wow!Nature - WIP - Cave Exploration #unrealengine #UE5 #gamedev

    UE5 - Wow!Nature - WIP - Cave Exploration #unrealengine #UE5 #gamedev

    by shub Added 106 Views / 0 Likes

    Here is a longer video of hidden cave exploration in Wow! Nature.Reaching glow worm cavern at 1:30Still testing some modular elements and creating more variations. Lots of work to be done.#unrealengine #UE5 #gamedevelopment #gamedev #realtime #games #next

  • 00:57 UE5 - Wow!Nature - WIP - Glowing Cave Worm Test #unrealengine #UE5 #gamedev

    UE5 - Wow!Nature - WIP - Glowing Cave Worm Test #unrealengine #UE5 #gamedev

    by shub Added 120 Views / 0 Likes

    Glowing cave worm test for Wow! Nature.#unrealengine #UE5 #gamedevelopment #gamedev #realtime #games #nextgen #epicgames #unrealengine5

  • 00:58 Enter Falconry - Official Announcement Trailer

    Enter Falconry - Official Announcement Trailer

    by shub Added 90 Views / 0 Likes

    Wishlist Enter Falconry on Steam: is an advertisment for the game of a friend!Enter Falconry immerses you in the captivating world of Arabian falconry, where dedicated falconers train and nurture their majestic bi

  • 01:20 WN - WIP - Modular Cave Testing

    WN - WIP - Modular Cave Testing

    by shub Added 114 Views / 0 Likes

    Testing some basic modular cave elements for Wow! Nature.#unrealengine #UE5 #gamedevelopment #gamedev #realtime #games #nextgen #epicgames #unrealengine5

  • 00:23 WN - Work in Progress - Animal To Foliage Interaction Test

    WN - Work in Progress - Animal To Foliage Interaction Test

    by shub Added 114 Views / 0 Likes

    Working on a new lightweight system that allows unlimited foliage interactions so all animals can push away plants when they walk thru.Still a lot to tweak but getting there.#unrealengine #UE5 #gamedevelopment #gamedev #realtime #games #nextgen #epicgames

  • 00:55 WN - Work in Progress - Animal AI Testing Wolf

    WN - Work in Progress - Animal AI Testing Wolf

    by shub Added 104 Views / 0 Likes

    Testing animal AI and blend space animation and look at controller for wolf predators.#unrealengine #UE5 #gamedevelopment #gamedev #realtime #games #nextgen #epicgames #unrealengine5

  • 00:56 WN - Work in Progress - Tree House dynamic placement

    WN - Work in Progress - Tree House dynamic placement

    by shub Added 118 Views / 0 Likes

    Testing dynamic tree house placement on specific trees in WOW! NATURE. Next up register the tree house and checking the surrounding trees for collision and remove them if they intersect.#unrealengine #UE5 #gamedevelopment #gamedev #realtime #games #nextge

  • 00:48 WN - Work in Progress - Conditional runtime tent placement with foliage removal

    WN - Work in Progress - Conditional runtime tent placement with foliage removal

    by shub Added 121 Views / 0 Likes

    Testing the conditional tent placement for WOW! NATURE. Checks collisions against large foliage and other actors as well as landscape angles and removes small foliage inside the tent at runtime.#unrealengine #UE5 #gamedevelopment #gamedev #realtime #games

  • 01:09 WN - Work in Progress - Tent at Night

    WN - Work in Progress - Tent at Night

    by shub Added 113 Views / 0 Likes

    Test the new flash light and base tent at night for WOW! NATURE.#unrealengine #UE5 #gamedevelopment #gamedev #realtime #games #nextgen #epicgames #unrealengine5

  • 01:17 WN - Work in Progress - Dynamic Day/Night Cycle System

    WN - Work in Progress - Dynamic Day/Night Cycle System

    by shub Added 98 Views / 0 Likes

    Early work in progress of our dynamic day/night cycle system for our game WOW! NATURE that is currently in prototyping phase. It's a custom system still a few things to workout but getting there.#unrealengine #UE5 #gamedevelopment #gamedev #realtime #game

  • 00:20 Parquet Floors | Megascans

    Parquet Floors | Megascans

    by shub Added 99 Views / 0 Likes

    Laying parquet floors is meticulous, but rewarding... ????New content available in the #Megascans library: thousands of photorealistic 3D scanned assets directly inside Unreal Engine, Twinmotion & #Quixel Bridge....#UnrealEngine
