3D Printing My Friends?
Thor3D let me borrow the Calibry - a structured light 3d scanner. So, I set off with a goal: 3D Printing my friends. Did it work? Find out :)
Calibry scanner at Thor3D
Prusa SL1
Einscan 3D Scanning (from 2016!)
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Amazon (aff): https://geni.us/shopatamazon
Raise3D: http://raise3d.com
Magigoo: http://thought3d.com
Matterhackers BUILD series filaments (aff) : http://3d.pn/mhbuild
Matterhackers 3D Printers (aff) : http://3d.pn/mhprinters
Proto Pasta (aff): http://3d.pn/protopasta
Prusa (aff): http://3d.pn/prusa
Puget Systems: http://3d.pn/pugetsystems
Channel Merch Shop : http://3d.pn/shop
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3D Printing Nerd
PO Box 55532
Shoreline, WA 98155
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